Recent content by Minnie Mooseth

  1. Minnie Mooseth

    Drooping wings, can no longer get into hen house

    Thank you for replying Eggcessive. We had a hen die about 6 months ago. We took her to the vet and he cared for her over the weekend at his home, but concluded that it was probably Marek's. We had her euthanized when she could no longer move and was unable to get food and water on her own...
  2. Minnie Mooseth

    Drooping wings, can no longer get into hen house

    Thank you, I think I figured it out actually. I believe she has Marek, which another hen had a few months ago. Sadly, it is contagious.
  3. Minnie Mooseth

    Is this normal for older hens?

    I guess it's bc I have known this chicken for about 7 years and I am familiar with her personality. I only have 2 hens and they are my pets. They no longer lay eggs, which is fine with me bc I am vegan. I have a lot of compassion for animals, so you don't have to worry that I am neglecting her...
  4. Minnie Mooseth

    Is this normal for older hens?

    BTW, she is in her cozy hen house with food and water close enough to get to.
  5. Minnie Mooseth

    Is this normal for older hens?

    Thanks for all the advice. I think the picture may be misleading because she does not act distressed at all. I won't be separating her from her one and only companion. I believe she may have Marek's disease, as I had to have a hen euthanized for the same thing about 6 months ago. Her health has...
  6. Minnie Mooseth

    Is this normal for older hens?

    Thank you,although I only have one other chicken who is her long time friend.
  7. Minnie Mooseth

    Is this normal for older hens?

    Yes, I was thinking the same. We are going to build her a ramp on Thursday. :)
  8. Minnie Mooseth

    Is this normal for older hens?

    I have an older chicken, she could be 9-10 years old. In the past couple weeks she stopped getting in the hen house at night. I watched her try to jump in about a week ago but she didn't even get close. Now every night I go out and put her in the henhouse. Today I noticed that her wings are...
  9. Minnie Mooseth

    Drooping wings, can no longer get into hen house

    I have an older chicken, she could be 9-10 years old. In the past couple weeks she stopped getting in the hen house at night. I watch her try to jump in about a week ago but she didn't even get close. Every night I go out there and put her in the henhouse. Today I noticed that both of her wings...
  10. Minnie Mooseth

    mysterious hen death

    We removed a rooster from our flock about a week and a half ago. We thought he was a hen at first, but when he started crowing we realized he would need to be re-homed. When he began trying to mate with our 4 hens, the hens quit laying. They haven't laid in about 2 weeks. Yesterday morning my...
  11. Minnie Mooseth

    Jonesboro, AR rooster

    I am afraid we are going to have to re-home our 5 month old rooster. I have grown very attached to him but we live in the city and I believe it's only a matter of time before neighbors start complaining. I want to make sure he goes to a farm where he will not be eaten nor used for fighting. Any...
  12. Minnie Mooseth

    hen or rooster?

    Yes, Norma is now Norman. His whole demeanor changed overnight. He is still super sweet and will perch on my arm. I hope he keeps being sweetie.
  13. Minnie Mooseth

    hen or rooster?

    Yes, this is Norma, the crowing hen. Lol. I guess we'll have to start calling him Norman. I'm not 100 percent sure he/she was crowing but he/she made an unusual noise today. I agree that the saddle feathers look more like a rooster's, now that I know what to look for.
  14. Minnie Mooseth

    4 hens and a rooster

    thanks! I just posted there.
  15. Minnie Mooseth

    crumpled eggs

    We have 4 hens. One of them always lays mangled eggs. They have very thin shells and they look kind of like crumpled up tissues. She eats the best layer food we can find in our city and we give the chickens our fresh fruit and veggie scraps every day. We also supplement with grit and oyster...
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