Recent content by mj1025

  1. mj1025

    Meal worms vs. Black solder fly larve

    I don't think giving your chicken a mealworm is bad. It just needs to have moderation. But in my case, I now used BSFL over mealworm. It has similar nutrients, but mealworm has no calcium than BSFL, and we know that calcium is essential in the development of our chickens. And I find a store that...
  2. mj1025


    Yes, I used grubterra for a while now, and I Love it so far! Gives my chickies the protein and calcium they need as they grow. They are much bigger now, and it was a good transitional food from just the commercial feed they were getting as babies. I am just like you before wondering about the...
  3. mj1025

    Black soldier Fly Larvae or Mealworm

    As a backyard chicken raiser, I can recommend the Black soldier fly as your choice. I’ve been using it for quite a while, and it helps my girls, and they love it. They have become a daily staple in their diet. They are laying more eggs from the extra protein, even during Winter, and going...
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