Recent content by mjoubre

  1. mjoubre

    Call Duck Information Needed

    Hello everyone. I have hatched a lot of ducks in the past but have been afraid to attempt call ducks as it seems they are hard to hatch but am thinking I want to attempt a hatch. My question is what size egg rails for the auto turner do I need? Will the universal rails that work for chicken eggs...
  2. mjoubre

    Feeding a Wether and Doeling

    Thanks so much for your response. He made 6 weeks this past Monday and the doeling will be eight weeks on Thursday. I didn't know what age they were suppose to wean. She told me they were weanlings. I will have to ask her if I can buy some of her feed and hay. I asked what to feed them and she...
  3. mjoubre

    Feeding a Wether and Doeling

    Hi everyone! I'm new to goats. I will be picking up a 6 week old Nigerian Dwarf wether and a 7 week old Pygerian (75% Nigerian Dwarf and 25% Pygmy) doeling this weekend. I was wondering if it was okay to feed them both a goat feed with Ammonium Chloride in it? I know that is good for him but...
  4. mjoubre

    Any one want to join me in waiting for eggs, posting and comparing notes?

    Thanks @Marcy54! It is tiny but I think it is pretty also! Hope you get an egg soon! I was like a little kid on Christmas morning when I found that egg!
  5. mjoubre

    Any one want to join me in waiting for eggs, posting and comparing notes?

    Got my first egg today! Pretty sure it was from my Barred Rock.
  6. mjoubre

    Any one want to join me in waiting for eggs, posting and comparing notes?

    Hey CatSol and everybody! I was hoping y'all could take a look at my pullets. My Barred Rock has started squatting so I should be getting an egg from her soon. My BLR is definetly a Roo. He has recently started crowing his heart out. Lol. Let me know what y'all think of my other 3. Thanks! SL...
  7. mjoubre

    Any one want to join me in waiting for eggs, posting and comparing notes?

    Congrats! I am hoping to get an egg soon. My Barred Rock pullet squatted yesterday when I was petting her!
  8. mjoubre

    hello yall new here

    My GooseGoose has even figured out which vehicle is my fathers and knows when he leaves for work in the morning. If my father doesn't put him in the fence before he leaves he will chase his truck down the road. We all love him so much.
  9. mjoubre

    I think we have a rooster

    So sorry. I have also found out one of my 5 pullets is a rooster from the helpful people on this site. Now I'm just hoping my other 4 are pullets.
  10. mjoubre

    hello yall new here

    Oh yes they do Miss Lydia! And I rarely loose a duckling out the flock that he is helping raise. The only downfall I have found since owning him is how loud he is. I can't talk to company outside with him by me cause he is fussing the whole time and I have to make sure he doesn't bite them. Lol
  11. mjoubre

    hello yall new here

    Thanks. He is probably about 4 years old now. I don't remember when his knob got that large. I would think it would still grow as yours is only 5 months but not sure.
  12. mjoubre

    hello yall new here

    Thanks! Yes he is. I wasn't planning on owning geese but he showed up at my house one day (couldn't have been more than a few days old). Came right up to me. Of course I fell in love and had to raise him. He hangs around with my ducks ( about 30 or so). Every year he takes the first batch of...
  13. mjoubre

    hello yall new here

    This is my White Chinese guy. He is great!
  14. mjoubre

    All pullets or are there any possible Roos?

    Thanks! I just pray now that the rest are pullets!
  15. mjoubre

    All pullets or are there any possible Roos?

    Finally able to put the pics up. Let me know what y'all think! Thanks! This is my BLR Wyandotte This is my SL Wyandotte GL Wyandotte Lavender Orpington Barred Rock
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