Recent content by mmacdo10

  1. mmacdo10

    Buff Orps... hens or roos?

    Updated pics at 8-9ish weeks: Roo? Pullet? Pullet? Roo?
  2. mmacdo10

    Lavender Orpingtons

    So I have 4 Lavender Orpington chicks that are between 8-9 weeks old. One kinda does its own thing and the other three are stuck together like glue. The one on its own I'm pretty positive is a Roo but I'm not entirely sure about the other three. Here is the roo: Here are some pics of the...
  3. mmacdo10

    Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

    Still holding out for a pullet but everyone is guessing roo ... "she" is so sweet and so pretty!
  4. mmacdo10

    Buff Orps... hens or roos?

    Better picture of #4. Number 3 is probably a roo based on the amount of drama he is displaying...
  5. mmacdo10

    Buff Orps... hens or roos?

    All about 4-5 weeks old
  6. mmacdo10

    Lavender Orp Chicks... roos or hens?

    Side note... these lavender orps are FAST!
  7. mmacdo10

    Lavender Orp Chicks... roos or hens?

    All about 4-5 weeks old. #3 i'm pretty sure is a roo....
  8. mmacdo10

    Who wants to guess what I have?

    Ugh... the kids will be disappointed :(
  9. mmacdo10

    Mottled Java!!

    I didn't know they were rare? I was told I have one... here is her pic: when she was about a year after her first molt. Is she truly a mottled Java?
  10. mmacdo10

    Who wants to guess what I have?

    EE 6-7ish weeks old.
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