Recent content by mmfarm

  1. mmfarm

    LF Ameraucana CULLS

    4w/1bw cockerels hatched Feb-Mar. 1 wheaten cock, 2 lavender cocks, 1 year old. These are color culls - the w/bw have black in their hackles and the lavenders are brassy. They would be fine for an EE flock if anyone wants them, otherwise they're off to freezer camp. Also 2 mixed EE cockerels. $5...
  2. mmfarm

    LF Ameraucana CULLS

    4w/1bw cockerels hatched Feb-Mar. 1 wheaten cock, 2 lavender cocks, 1 year old. These are color culls - the w/bw have black in their hackles and the lavenders are brassy. They would be fine for an EE flock if anyone wants them, otherwise they're off to freezer camp. Also 2 mixed EE cockerels. $5...
  3. mmfarm

    Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

    I rarely post over here, but just had to say to Royce: Amen and thank you for posting that!!
  4. mmfarm

    True Story

    I remember a Siamese cat that nearly had a toe amputated by a lovebird. She had jumped on top of the bird's cage and stuck her paw in trying to grab the bird. Instead, the bird grabbed her (if you've ever been bitten by a hook-bill, you know what I mean) and held on for a full minute, with the...
  5. mmfarm

    Hybrid Pheasants

    I can't offer much on ducks, turkeys, etc., because I don't raise them, but in the case of chickens, you are dealing with breeds as oppose to species. Most breeds were developed by breeders by combining different breeds, so they really aren't "pure" to begin with. Although introducing outside...
  6. mmfarm

    Hybrid Pheasants

    I hope someone can, because I'm getting confused - I'd read that only female hybrid pheasants were sterile, but that males could be fertile, but Spectrum, if I understand, you're saying both are sterile, right?
  7. mmfarm

    Hybrid Pheasants

    First off, let me say this is NOT directed at the OP, who made a clear distinction between his (sterile) hybrids & crosses, but since the issue of crossing has come up, I'd like to add my perspective as someone new to the hobby. I have had a difficult time finding pure goldens, and have...
  8. mmfarm

    Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

    Quote: That depends on who you ask! Short answer, there was a long time span between when the blue egg layers made their way to the US, and when breeders started trying to standardize them, by which time there really wasn't any "pure" strain. Two strains of Araucanas emerged, each with it's...
  9. mmfarm

    Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

    Quote: I know Michael has had some computer problems due to a lightening strike. May want to call instead of e-mail.
  10. mmfarm

    Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

    Didn't mean to imply you could buy a "ready made" flock - just that, w/regard to the question of trying to breed true Ameraucanas from EEs, there's no point trying to reinvent the wheel. Best to start with stock breeders have spent years developing and go from there. Dak: I agree - this is the...
  11. mmfarm

    Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

    All I'm saying there is no law out there that says that they can't advertise them as Ameraucanas. If you breed two pize white ameracaunas together andthey throw an buff colored one would you sell thatbird as a Ameraucana or and Easter Egger? I know that buff is one of the accepted colors, but...
  12. mmfarm

    Chickens: White Americana

    His legs look green to me, too. And his beak appears to be yellow. Where did you get him?
  13. mmfarm

    4-month-old New Hampshire Red Pullets

    New Hampshire Red pullets, hatchery stock (Mt. Healthy), not yet laying. Raised free-range. P/u only Onslow County NC. Approx. 30 available. $8 each FIRM.
  14. mmfarm

    Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

    I think the washed out blue wheatens are from the problem of trying to get enough black into the tails of wheaten hens. The gene turns black to blue, so if there is little black in the tail, then there will be little to turn blue, if that makes sense. This bird is stunning, and I suspect any...
  15. mmfarm

    how big of a pen will i need

    Poor kid! He may have done it even if she hadn't walked in, though. My male golden did the same thing during a thunderstorm. I'd only had him a few days - I guess the combination of an unfamiliar place and a particularly violent storm freaked him out.
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