Recent content by molly d

  1. molly d

    First time dealing with a chicken illness...any ideas?

    Thanks for the tip! Hopefully things will go smoothly with Gertie today. She is still not feeling well this morning. Her back end is covered in green poo, and she wasn't interested in breakfast. I'm going to check on her over lunch today and clean her up a bit, and hopefully get her to eat...
  2. molly d

    Advice needed for older hen with swollen abdomen and dirty vent. -Drained fluid post #17

    Best of luck to you! I am having the same trouble with one of my girls. I will be draining her tomorrow as well. I'm a little squeamish about it but it sounds like this will be the only thing to make her feel better!
  3. molly d

    First time dealing with a chicken illness...any ideas?

    Yes, it does feel similar to a water balloon. After looking up ascites, it sounds like this might be the problem. I'm going to pick up a syringe tomorrow and see if we can drain any of the fluid. The poor little thing is obviously uncomfortable, so hopefully that will bring her some relief...
  4. molly d

    First time dealing with a chicken illness...any ideas?

    My little lady Gertie is a 2.5 year old red sex link, who is normally my best layer and most friendly hen. I noticed her laying down in the corner of the run yesterday, which is a little out of character for her - she's normally very social and energetic. I picked her up and noticed she had a...
  5. molly d

    My poor Daisy was murdered :'( Re-candeled egg... FERTILE yeeessssssss

    So sorry to hear you had to let him go, but at least he went to a good home. It sounds like he will be happy there. Thanks for sharing Daisy's story! It's been great to read.
  6. molly d

    Cool pic!

    Great shot!
  7. molly d

    Miracle- Hello! guinea/chicken crossbreed

    It's always a treat to hear from you, Miracle! Hopefully the new flock will start laying eggs for Mena soon. It sounds like the Golden Girls are enjoying their break.
  8. molly d

    Miracle- Hello! guinea/chicken crossbreed

    Miracle, we've missed you! It sounds like you and Mena are having a busy summer. I hope you are both doing well!
  9. molly d

    Anyone else ACTUALLY chill with their peeps?

    I chill with my peeps every day! My after work routine goes something like this: After I get home and take care of whatever needs to be taken care of, I grab a cold beer or glass of wine and head out to the yard. This is the girls' favorite time of the day: free range time! Our yard isn't...
  10. molly d

    Lawnmower vs Rooster GRAPHIC PICS/ Saying Goodbye

    Aww. That was difficult, I'm sure. I'm glad Big Poppy is okay and can give you a bit of comfort. You've both had a rough week.
  11. molly d

    Lawnmower vs Rooster GRAPHIC PICS/ Saying Goodbye

    Oh Lori, I'm sooo sorry. I hope you can take some consolation in the fact that you went above and beyond for sweet Kubota, and gave him a much better chance than he would have had otherwise. You also made sure that his last days were comfortable and full of love. I can't imagine a better way...
  12. molly d

    First eggs, what do I do?

    Fresh eggs are the best!! You'll never want to eat store-bought eggs again once you've had them fresh. I give my eggs a quick rinse before putting them in the refrigerator, but that's about it. I don't think there's much else you need to do with them, except enjoy them of course.
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