Recent content by Mom

  1. Mom

    How big are the first rhode island red eggs?

    Quote: Guess I am just too impatient. Big Mamma, our Pekin is the same age and she has laid an egg every day except 1 day for the last 2 weeks - she is very consitent - between 6:45 and 7:15 every morning.
  2. Mom

    best layers for hot climate

    I thought our RR would have started laying - they are 4 1/2 months old. I know they do well in colder climates but is there a breed that lays better in the heat.
  3. Mom

    How big are the first rhode island red eggs?

    how old are your hens. Ours are almost 5 months old and no eggs yet. DH wanted Rhodies because that is what he had in Colorado. I am thinking they may can take the cold very well but the heat slows them down?
  4. Mom

    Do you have body ink? Please share tattoo pictures here!

    DH and I had our wedding rings inked on - only ink either of us have - celtic knot. I haven't figured out how to post pics though
  5. Mom

    Cha Cha Changes

    Thank you - good article
  6. Mom

    Cha Cha Changes

    How does the washing machine go to the yard/garden? Certainly not a fancy system but the drain on the washer goes into a pvc pipe that goes under the house and out. Attached to the end of the pvc pipe is a blue, flexible hose - like for a sump pump. When we aren't using it, we roll it up like...
  7. Mom

    Cha Cha Changes

    Quote: Use fabric softner and even after towels have dried throw them on with no heat - just fluf and they are softer. Also - one of the things that makes them stiff to start with is not getting all the soap out of them. If you don't believe me, take what you think is a clean dry item...
  8. Mom

    Cha Cha Changes

    1. We made a budget and stick to it 2. Large garden for our own use and to sell at the farmer's market later this year - I have about 50 tomato plants, all heirloom and they sell like hotcakes, along with all the okra I can pick 3. We only heat and/or cool the rooms we spend the most time in...
  9. Mom

    egg prices

    My chickens should start laying any time now and I have people lined up to buy them. My neighbor sells them for $1.50 a doz if you come and get them and bring a carton but I expect him to raise his prices soon. And some of his are bantam eggs. Haven't bought many in the store lately because...
  10. Mom


    Quote: Julie I have a bantam just like the first one you showed. I think it is cute as a button but DH says it is ugly.
  11. Mom

    How in the world? Dogs!

    Just pull them off. I promise. We used to be infested in this neck of the woods - before fire ants (only good thing I can say about fire ants is that the tick population has decreased) I have pulled a many tick off dog; cat; myself - just pull it off and flush it down the toilet
  12. Mom

    Good Morning!!The Much Ado About Mornings Thread!!Good Morning!!

    Morning World - been up about 3 hours swilling coffee. DH was just snoring away. Ducks are usually up and squawking by now - cloudy so they must not realize what time it is.
  13. Mom

    Desperate for some Black Runner girls!!

    thought Ideal was in TX - that's what their website says - and they will ship just a few ducks usually but they add so much for a small order to the price and usually throw in packing chicks (roosters)
  14. Mom

    Fat ducks

    Pekins have been bred for 100's of years to be meat birds and to mature fast. They just get big. Don't think they could eat themselves into an early grave but I am no expert. I wouldn't worry about feeding too much
  15. Mom

    What's the smallest breed of chicken?

    Quote: Well I have been googling and haven't found where to buy them yet so my hubby might be safe although he is the one got me started on the chickens. He had to have is Rhodies for eggs - all his fault
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