Recent content by mommacassey

  1. mommacassey

    Rouen Duck thread

    I have 2 Rouen's and 3 Muscovy, all about a year old now, and yet to get a single egg... ??
  2. mommacassey

    New Rabbits: Lots of questions... Chicken proximity stressful? Ear mites? Pasturing?

    We have a couple young does that we keep in separate hutches--one kept asserting her dominance over the other, making us think she was a he for a while and that we'd end up with many more bunnies than we wanted. But, we got a pen off Amazon that we sometimes let the bunnies get some outdoor...
  3. mommacassey

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Yeah, I got mine at Walmart where all the other vinegars are, but our other local grocers have it, nowdays, too. I only bought one bottle, but I added some of it to a bottle of regular Heinz ACV in a glass bottle after reading on here that you can spread some mother around that way. The result...
  4. mommacassey

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    I don't have meat birds, but I didn't cut back on the amount I was feeding when I started FFing. I ferment the starter/grower feed with some scratch in it, and occasionally a handful or two of sunflower seeds. Whenever they leave food from one day to the next, I just give them a little less...
  5. mommacassey


    Well, we got our first egg... shell... this morning. Our recently-arrived 3-year-old laid it, but I don't know who ate it. I checked on them last night, but I will check on them more frequently tonight to hopefully get any egg Anise lays before it gets eaten again.
  6. mommacassey

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    I wonder if it isn't a combination of your allergy and the strength of your feed. I've only been fermenting for about a month, but you're certainly the first to mention this, that I've seen.
  7. mommacassey

    Pullets, hopefully...

    Well, BYCers, y'all were right. Cinnamon was a boy! The pictures I took of him last night, when he'd been caught and packed up to be rehomed at our preacher's house, don't do him justice. He really turned out to be a beautiful bird, and he was just getting protective of his hen--Sugar was the...
  8. mommacassey

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    I haven't had a bucket go for more than a day undisturbed, so I haven't seen mine get like the second picture, but even when I started out with the 1-gallon container, this "bloom" like in the first picture showed up on top. It is totally normal. Apparently, it's because of the fermentation...
  9. mommacassey


    Hello! I'm a small starter, myself--we've got 6 chickens and 2 rabbits. Welcome to BYC!
  10. mommacassey


    I SO want a couple Seramas to be my daughters' "pet" chickens, but we're not supposed to have roosters at all and I haven't been sure how that would work out. (we have one cockerel now that we'll have to get rid of soon, either by eating him or giving him away to be eaten...) In my...
  11. mommacassey


    I'm looking forward to this sort of thing, too--it's still a few months off before even my oldest pullet (about 6-7 weeks older than the other pullets) starts to lay, but I've been wondering what we'll do with the eggs if we really start to get enough from them that we can't eat them all. Good...
  12. mommacassey

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    My chicks jump on their FF like it's the best thing ever, but they rarely eat more than a few bites before wandering off. I leave it for a while and before long it's gone--it's more like they are grazing on it than like it's their favorite food--but I typically have to give them 2 feedings a...
  13. mommacassey


    I use some probiotics made by Nature Made. I'm not sure where they start out--they are basically the same probiotics that would be found in yogurt. Digestive Advantage also has a good probiotic gummy--that's the only way I can get my man to have some.
  14. mommacassey

    Fermenting feed for layers?

    My younger set of chicks are still indoors... and yesterday, they didn't finish their feed at all. Maybe it's that natural slow-down of intake I've read about around here, too--one of the reasons FF is a great idea.
  15. mommacassey

    Fermenting feed for layers?

    I've been feeding my chicks fermented chick starter, sometimes with a bit of scratch thrown into the fermenting bucket, for a couple weeks now. They don't jump on it like they initially did, but take their time and clean out their bowl a couple times a day. I recently gave them their first...
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