Recent content by MomMommyMamma

  1. MomMommyMamma

    The NEW Crazy 24hr AUCTION thread

    Awesome! PM sent.
  2. MomMommyMamma

    The NEW Crazy 24hr AUCTION thread

    Phoreda Burds auctions.. auction #2 (black & white spitz) - 18.00
  3. MomMommyMamma

    How to TRAIN A DOG to NOT chase chickens? HELP! asap

    Very helpful thread! We are fostering a 3 yr old great pyrenees and she is showing interest in the chickens. We still have her on the leash at all times when she is out and about. I do think she would have killed our chickens by now if not on the leash. We will begin training her this way and...
  4. MomMommyMamma

    Paul Gautschi/Garden of Eden chickens?

    I recently watched the Back to the Garden of Eden film. Very interesting. One thing that really got my attention was his chickens. From what I can gather, he throws all yard/garden waste in the pen. Also throws wood ash in. Claims there's no smell and the dirt in the pen appeared to be...
  5. MomMommyMamma

    Brinsea Eco, embryos dying just before hatch

    I feel like I've lost my incubation mojo. A friend had borrowed our incubator for a year or so and had GREAT hatches. Often 100% hatch rate. I have the incubator now & I'm having problems. We set 32 chicken eggs, 26 hatched. I checked those that didn't. Couple had a fair amount of yolk still...
  6. MomMommyMamma

    Need serious landscape help.

    We are in WV. It's not a good garden space. Almost full shade, pine trees, the entire thing is a pretty steep hill. Thanks for the idea. I'd thought about mint. I have some chocolate mint.
  7. MomMommyMamma

    Need serious landscape help.

    We are trying to sell our home & we have a large chicken pen. It's just not attractive to buyers. We are not in a "farm" type of neighborhood. We've had several people look at the house & say that the chickens are "a major turn-off". We've decided that in order to sell this house & buy our...
  8. MomMommyMamma

    Help - tom unsteady, falling down

    I don't feel any breaks in his legs, or see any odd bends. I was just out there with him...he really prefers to sit. When he does walk, he takes a few steps, then he stepped on one foot with the other & went down. He fell/sat next to the feed dish & ate. So he is eating. He seems alert and fine...
  9. MomMommyMamma

    Help - tom unsteady, falling down

    This morning my midget white tom is very unsteady on his feet and at times is falling down. He then sits there on the ground. If the hens come by, he attempts to spread is feathers (strut from a sitting position is what it looks like). What to do?? We feed a custom mix w/ 24% protein. He's our...
  10. MomMommyMamma

    Dried out membrane troubles.

    This is my 2nd year of hatching. Brinsea w/ autoturner. Last year I struggled in the beginning - turned out I was putting too much water in & there was not enough evaporation. Once I began to "dry hatch" this all cleared up & we had great hatches. At times 100% of developing eggs hatched. This...
  11. MomMommyMamma

    ***Crevecoeur Thread***

    I'm not sure if the pic is just at a funny angle, or if his comb is not right? It seems kind of lopsided. He's young. Just started mating a few weeks ago so I'm sure he's still growing. Think it will even out? I'll have to give him a good look tonight.
  12. Default


  13. MomMommyMamma

    What is this coloring?

    Quote: Light Sussex roo over ?? We think maybe it was a nearly all black "mutt" hen. Not sure though. So then, what color is the bird in hdowden's profile pic That is Self Blue, Here is a link to a thread on "Blues" with pictures of different types of Blue fowl...
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