Recent content by Momochicken

  1. Silly girl thinks she runs the coop!

    Silly girl thinks she runs the coop!

  2. Resting under the coop!

    Resting under the coop!

  3. Growing older!

    Growing older!

  4. Momochicken

    Need advice on run size!

    I just want to say thank you to everyone for the advice. My husband and I finally built it and went a little bigger than they need but they will definitely be happy. We built it 32 x 12 so its actually 384 square feet! I know a lot but we had the room in the yard and that way if we get more...
  5. Momochicken

    Introducing to coop??

    ahh nice!
  6. Momochicken

    clipping beaks and claws!?!?

    wow thanks everyone for the advice. I did think it was a bit extreme and the book did not explain much on why you would want to do so. I think there beaks and claws are fine and I will keep them as they are! I dont want to torture them more than I have to!
  7. Momochicken

    Need advice on run size!

    yes per bird..... we have a big coop for them and are building the run off of that. Yard is already all fenced in and I could let them out a few hours a day in the garden area but mostly need the run all covered to protect them from predators.
  8. Momochicken

    Need advice on run size!

    My husband and I are building our chickens run this weekend and trying to find a comfortable size for my 6 Barred rocks. The book I bought said to have 3-6 square feet per chicken. I was gonna go with 25 square feet do you think this will give them ample room?!?! Any advice would be great!
  9. Momochicken

    clipping beaks and claws!?!?

    So I am a new chicken owner. I have 6 barred rocks and they are working on 4 weeks old now. Reading the "Story's Guide to Rasing Chickens" it talks about clipping beaks and claws. My question is how necessary is it? and whats the best way to go about it? as well is if you do it how early do you...
  10. Momochicken


    Well hello fellow neighbors! I live in Spokane Valley, Wa. I am a new chick mom to 6 Barred Rocks and I am new to the whole chicken thing but I am soo excited! we got them less than a week ago and they are 2 weeks old and growing so fast! I am so excited for this new adventure.
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