Recent content by MorganAH

  1. MorganAH

    Help! Hen went to poop but out came an egg yolk?!

    I was outside with my girls and my buff orphington squatted to poop but an egg yolk came out. What does this mean and do I need to do anything about this? Thanks in advance!!
  2. MorganAH

    Chicken fight!

    I was taking pictures of my girls establishing their pecking order yesterday, and made it into a ridiculous blog post. Thought I would share because it makes me laugh (I'm easily entertained, haha)
  3. MorganAH

    12 week old light brahma sex?

    I'm uploading this from my phone so hope it works! Can someone tell me if my light brahma is a pullet?? Crossing my fingers! Thanks in advance!
  4. MorganAH

    Updated! 5 & 6 week olds. Barred rock, RIR, Orphington, Wyandotte

    I think the white one is really cool looking! And if you're more attached to that one then the one with the pretty pattern, I'd go with that!
  5. MorganAH

    Updated! 5 & 6 week olds. Barred rock, RIR, Orphington, Wyandotte

    Yay!! I'm glad they were helpful! I was freaking out when mine were turning pink, too! Fingers crossed for you!
  6. MorganAH

    Updated! 5 & 6 week olds. Barred rock, RIR, Orphington, Wyandotte

    Of course! And thank you! She is definitely my prettiest!
  7. MorganAH

    Updated! 5 & 6 week olds. Barred rock, RIR, Orphington, Wyandotte

    They were!! I've had some new chicks since then that turned out to be males, but these were all ladies. :) I've got pictures of my barred rock & wyandotte, if you're interested...
  8. MorganAH

    Making a Temperature Controlled Brooder

    Yes, thanks for pointing that out. We do have it divided into two zones... not with a divider, but with one side having the heat lamp and the other side with their food and water. I appreciate you guys checking it out and giving some feedback! My husband isn't the best with grammar or spelling...
  9. MorganAH

    Making a Temperature Controlled Brooder

    I couldn't find anything to say if this is allowed or not, so if it's not, please let me know! My husband made a temperature controlled heat lamp and I wanted to share on here in case anyone else is interested in making one. I would just copy and paste the instructions on here, but this is way...
  10. MorganAH

    Chicken keeps attacking my dog

    That's right... not the other way around. I have a Plymouth Rock that keeps trying to show my chihuahua that she's the head of the flock by pecking at her, chasing her, etc. My dog will "take it" most of the time, but she has fought back twice now. I'm afraid my dog will have enough before long...
  11. MorganAH

    1 week old chick breed??

    I just called the place I got her from and they think she may be a Brown Leghorn... I know nothing about them so I'll have to look them up.
  12. MorganAH

    1 week old chick breed??

    Thanks for all the responses! Looks like she has a single comb with light yellow legs. I'm not sure if she's bantam or LF. I'm putting a picture of her with the Welsummer (should be a Welsummer) who are both supposed to be the same age. The one I'm asking about is on the right. And feel free to...
  13. MorganAH

    1 week old chick breed??

    Anyone have any idea what kinda chick this is? I asked for a Welsummer & Light Brahma and got this one instead of the Brahma. I'm thinking Americauna?? She is about a week old, and is tiny.
  14. MorganAH

    Barred Rock sex

    So happy, thank you all! Four weeks ago everyone thought she was a roo, even the hatchery I got her from. But after reading some posts on here, I decided to wait until she crowed, lol. Glad I waited! She's my biggest entertainer of my group.
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