Recent content by mountainmolly

  1. mountainmolly

    rooster mating ducks

    I got two Amercauna chicks at the same time as I got Ancona ducklings so they were raised together this spring. The chick that ended up being a rooster appears to have really imprinted with the ducks. He never "crossed over" to the chickens as he got older, even tried swimming with the ducks...
  2. mountainmolly

    Question about an almost frozen hen

    Well Rhoda seems to be fine after her "swim" in the cold water. She is moving around and ate a banana. I will keep her in the house in a crate for tonight so she doesn't get chilled (nights are getting cold here in Colorado) and then see how she does tomorrow. We are supposed to have a warm...
  3. mountainmolly

    Question about an almost frozen hen

    Hi, My adult Rhode Island Red, about 2 years old, apparently got stuck in the duck pond and could not get out. I have put cement blocks in the pond so all fowl have a perch, but for some reason I found her sitting on the cement block, almost dead. She was sitting in water covering 1/2 her...
  4. mountainmolly

    Problem with my Cornish rocks

    Thanks everyone, I have cut back on feed ... I was feeding twice a day, although they were always acting so hungry that I will admit that when younger I did give food in the middle of the day at times. I like the 12 on, 12 off idea so might try that next time. The chickens do have space and I...
  5. mountainmolly

    Problem with my Cornish rocks

    My first time raising meat birds so I hope this is not a dumb or well-discussed question - did look under threads and did not find any information.... Bought Cornish Rocks from a feed store this year - they are 8 weeks old yesterday. Appt for butchering is Aug 3 since I am not able to do it...
  6. mountainmolly

    Ancona ducks?

    I had an Ancona once and loved the bird which was named Flappy Feet. I have been toying with the idea to get more and maybe this will be the year! This duck was a homebody (I freerange during the day) and let the kids carry her around and play with her. She went broody and did hatch eggs...
  7. mountainmolly

    first post

    Sorry - I hit the post button before I realized I did not add my name. My name is Patty.
  8. mountainmolly

    New Member

    Hi, I have just joined this list. I have been posting stories on Facebook about HopAlongCassidy, my hen that lost her legs, and one of my FB friends sent me the link to your site. I live on the eastern plains of Colorado and have a backyard brood of (6) hens, one rooster (by mistake but he is...
  9. mountainmolly

    PLEASE HELP! Chickens foot fell off!

    I have a mixed barnyard hen that was hatched by her mother (Leghorn) last spring. Both of her feet and part of both legs have fallen off. I do not think they were frostbitten. I had noticed that her toes were different from the other chickens that hatched at the same time, but don't really...
  10. Default


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