Recent content by MrsCadenhead

  1. MrsCadenhead

    Moving a setting hen?

    I'm wondering the same thing... Two broody hens, and one additional hen and rooster.
  2. MrsCadenhead

    Help help HELP! Prolapsed!? pic

    It's my father in law's chicken. What's going on? Should we cull her to put her out of her misery?
  3. MrsCadenhead

    FIRST EGG!! :D

    Guess what!? SECOND EGG!! Woohooo!
  4. MrsCadenhead

    FIRST EGG!! :D

    Thanks everyone! I'm still super excited about it! :D That's just one more thing to add to the beauty of having chickens, every day is an Easter egg hunt! :D
  5. MrsCadenhead

    FIRST EGG!! :D

    I'm very proud to announce that after seven weeks of waiting patiently with my new flock, I've got my first egg! The even cooler part is, I think it came from one of my mixed red pullets-- her first egg ever! :D It's a lovely light brown, hard shell, normal "medium" egg shape... A great first...
  6. MrsCadenhead

    washing chicken, what soap to use

    I've heard to use Dawn on them. I hope my response does you good at some point, I'm a little late! And I politely disagree with the above poster, sometimes chickens can get dirty butts and poo cakes in their feathers.. I have one fluffy butt Orpington who apparently is too high and mighty to...
  7. MrsCadenhead

    How to treat a plucked hen? :(

    Turns out, I think the other buff hen may be the culprit. She's plucking and eating feathers from all of my chickies! Eeek! Their food is 17% protein I think, so I'm gonna mix in some grower for a few days maybe? This chicken is twice the size of all of my other hens AND bigger than my rooster...
  8. MrsCadenhead

    Newest Official Book Of BYC - Chicken Health For Dummies

    This is going to be what I ask hubby for for Valentine's day! I'm so excited!
  9. MrsCadenhead

    Help! :( A sickness has fallen upon my flock!

    I've told the story of Big Papa, the rooster with the thick mouth drainage and runny, sometimes bubbly eyes. The drainage was stinky and his eyes were often crusted over. I treated him with VetRX and ACV and he seemed as good as new for a week, then took a sudden downturn and stayed fluffed up...
  10. MrsCadenhead

    How to treat a plucked hen? :(

    Bless her little heart! Finally got a few pictures to show you guys
  11. MrsCadenhead

    How to treat a plucked hen? :(

    Very smart! Great idea! Thank you, everyone! These forums are really a lifesaver. Phew! :lol:
  12. MrsCadenhead

    How to treat a plucked hen? :(

    Thank you! I put Vaseline on it right away when I got her, so I'm glad you think it's a good idea to use it. :) When you mentioned Neosporin it dawned on me that i have HP Healing Creme from the vet I worked at.. It's a homeopathic version of Neosporin for animals.. I can't believe I had...
  13. MrsCadenhead

    How to treat a plucked hen? :(

    I was given two buff Orpington hens today to add to my lovely flock (yay!!), but it seems the rooster roughed one of my girls up a bit yesterday before she came to me. :( I'm only guessing it was her rooster because of the nature/placement of the injuries. I don't have this problem with my...
  14. MrsCadenhead

    What treat did your chickies get today?

    Mine LOVE bananas! Bananas cause lots of chasing and bickering. But today.... I'm cooking them black eyed peas! :)
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