Recent content by MrsCluckles

  1. M

    hen abandoned eggs and i dont have incubator, please hurry!

    My hatch date is April 6th, and a couple other days!! I will let you know if they hatch any, if at all!! I candled and they have awesome movement
  2. M

    hen abandoned eggs and i dont have incubator, please hurry!

    thank you, i have the eggs in a bin with a heat lamp bulb hanging over the top of them, water in the center and eggs surrounding it! i have 3 therms in their and they all tell me its 101 or 99 so hopefully they will be fine! untill i can get an incubator!
  3. M

    hen abandoned eggs and i dont have incubator, please hurry!

    i have a hen who abandoned 22 eggs and i dont have an incubator, i hooked up a heat lamp right above them and moved them to a box with woodchips and a bowl of water! i have 3 thermometers and 2 hygrometers in their to try to guess humidity and keep temps to 99.5 to 100.5! not sure if they are...
  4. M

    Can I put eggs 2 days apart in lockdown together?

    ThanK you so much I didn't know what to do!
  5. M

    Can I put eggs 2 days apart in lockdown together?

    I put eggs in the incubator on 3/16 and I have eggs coming on the 3/20 they are shipped eggs so probably won't go in untill early morning of 3/21, It's a 5 day difference is that to big of a difference or will they be fine? I can't afford to purchase a new incubator, I have a farms innovations...
  6. M

    Lockdown Question

    I put eggs in the incubator on 3/16 and I have eggs coming on the 3/20 they are shipped eggs so probably won't go in untill early morning of 3/21, It's a 5 day difference is that to big of a difference or will they be fine? I can't afford to purchase a new incubator, I have a farms innovations...
  7. M

    Scattered hatching HELP please!!

    I put eggs in the incubator on 3/16 and I have eggs coming on the 3/20 they are shipped eggs so probably won't go in untill early morning of 3/21, It's a 5 day difference is that to big of a difference or will they be fine? I can't afford to purchase a new incubator, I have a farms innovations...
  8. M

    Hi, need help in identifying these breeds.

    The one at the bottom is a mystic maran it looks like he has a few feathers on his feet, the one above it looks like an ayem cemani all black, the ones above all that I'm not sure
  9. M

    Help help help! I think hes going to die please help

    Hes not molting his crop wont empty, and wont pass he just poops clear watery green and white poopy
  10. M

    Help help help! I think hes going to die please help

    No it has been pretty warm outside but not hot it's been 78 to 85f
  11. M

    Help help help! I think hes going to die please help

    Hes not doing good he keeps sleeping and cant stand by himself, I'm truly heart broken he wasn't my 2nd chicken. And a nice rooster and none can help with this problem. I cant afford a vet because my family cannot pay for it! So I'm watching him suffer..
  12. M

    Help help help! I think hes going to die please help

    Hes on half chick food half scratch and half layer bc that's all the feeds I have bc I have 13 pullets and 2 roosters and9 little 2 month olds
  13. M

    Help help help! I think hes going to die please help

    Hes going to die. I cant loose him. Hes my best friend, his crop didnt go down, and he cant stand up by himself anymore and he can barely stay awake and no vets will take him untill 2 weeks when they have an open spot, I'm like I hAVE A DYING BIRD AND YALL DONT take emergencies! Are you kidding me.
  14. M

    Help help help! I think hes going to die please help

    I put him on the medicated started feed for protein at first because of the mites but now it's a real problem with the impacted crop so he is not on any feed.
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