Recent content by MrsKitty

  1. MrsKitty

    I'm finally out of retirement!

    I finally was able to get back in to having birds again after nearly 7 years out of the game! I'm super excited to learn and be around other poultry people! (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? No, I first got chickens back in 2013 ish. Long story short, four legged...
  2. MrsKitty

    Thinking of raising quail for meat, but...

    Thanks for the video. Seems I made the process a bit more complicated for myself by overthinking it. Also, as mentioned before, it was nice to see a video that shows what happens after you off them. My first bird was a shocker!
  3. MrsKitty

    Beginner's Hatch-A-Long

    Hello All! I'm on day 13 of 52 Coturnix eggs and 7 Silkie eggs! I originally started with 60 Coturnix (7 clears and 1 stinker), 8 Silkie (1 no development) and 4 Millie Fluer (Never Developed)so I think I still doing well. This is my very first hatch and I am so excited! I just candled all my...
  4. MrsKitty

    Coturnix Eggs - First Hatch!!

    I finally gave in and candled a few eggs early this morning- I saw itty bitty heart beats!! I am SO excited!! There was one Coturnix egg with a crack in it. I candled it to see if it would be worth saving- saw a heartbeat! I used clear nail polish to *hopefully* seal the hole. We'll see how the...
  5. MrsKitty

    Coturnix Eggs - First Hatch!!

    On the 30th I set 60 Coturnix eggs in my homemade incubator. I had only actually purchased 48 but the lady gave me an extra dozen! This is my first hatch and I'm, to say in the very least, very nervous. Anyone else out there dealing with a first hatch? Any pros out there with some advice? A few...
  6. MrsKitty

    Texas Crazy Chicken Lady

    Hello all! Back in May I was unceremoniously dubbed "The One" when one of the hens popped up with 7 chicks. I hadn't really had an interest in chickens yet as they weren't mine and I don't have my own property to raise them yet, but anyways, being the resident "animal lady", I took to them...
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