Recent content by MsSueT

  1. MsSueT

    Hen Attacking Me Daily

    A hen's first few eggs are often shell-less, in my experience. It's all about hormones not quite in synch yet. Personally, I also think hormones might be at least part of the cause of her pecking you. She's a teenager, after all. I would keep her until you are sure she is laying (real eggs with...
  2. MsSueT

    Comment by 'MsSueT' in article 'Cleaning and storing fresh eggs'

    also, using those older eggs is best for hard-boiled--peeling is much easier
  3. MsSueT

    Inherited Large (for me) chicken coop, uncleaned.

    That's a nice coop, I'm glad you kept it. That big board under the roost looks like a poop board, which collects night-time droppings. It's a good thing to have, as long as you scrape it down on the regular—along with the rest of the coop. I agree with the commenters that suggest you get rid...
  4. MsSueT

    10 year old "retired" hen laying again after 3 years

    I have a 6-year-old Easter Egger who, for the past several years, has laid 3-4 eggs over a couple of weeks right at the beginning of spring. Then she collects benefits for the rest of the year.
  5. MsSueT

    Strange Dried Egg No Shell

    A lash egg, maybe?
  6. MsSueT

    Strange!!! Did my rooster lay this egg?

    My guess is the rooster dragged it out after a hen laid it.
  7. MsSueT

    Strange!!! Did my rooster lay this egg?

    Maybe the rooster dragged it out from where a hen laid it.
  8. MsSueT

    Do chickens nap?

    She looks sick to me—that hunched over posture isn't a sign of a healthy hen, especially with the ongoing diarrhea. I've had girls behave that way for quite a long time before they got too sick to get better. She may be eating, but if you can feel her breastbone poking out at all, that's not a...
  9. MsSueT

    Large BR Pullet about to be 36 weeks and hasn't laid!

    If you still have no eggs from this chicken, I'm going with hormone issues. I have had several hens (egg-layers) over the years who occasionally come out with a kind of half-baked crow or try to mount another hen. Please keep us posted!
  10. MsSueT

    Transitioning from roofed to roofless run

    Perhaps your best bet is to go with the approved mesh over the top and then set up a couple of large tall tables, with perches underneath for the hens to gather on. You can even enclose them on two or three sides with clear plastic. This has worked well for me. I also have two large brown tarps...
  11. MsSueT

    Stupid, Mean Rooster! How Do I Stop This Overbreeding?

    I'm confused and feeling a bit judgemental. You have a coop, but no run. Does this mean you keep your chickens inside the coop all the time? If so, is there enough space for all of them to move around freely? Do they get any sunshine? If you free-range them all day, is there enough outside space...
  12. MsSueT

    Where can I get this pan feeder?

    Yeah, I gave up on the pan feeders, and went back to a regular hanging model with the little blades around the inside, which, if I keep it high enough, prevent the girls from tossing out so much. (I feed crumbles, so it's not like they're looking for special goodies buried in the feed—just messy...
  13. MsSueT

    What are favorite scraps? And what not to feed...

    I've heard that avocados are toxic to chickens, so I've never fed those.
  14. MsSueT

    Where can I get this pan feeder?

    I have tried every type of feeder in the book, and I find that the one that works the best for me is the old standard galvanized pan with the heavy wire pyramid/circus tent-shaped round top that fits over the edge of the pan. Galvanized pans are easy to come by, but I haven't been able to find...
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