Recent content by MTerry

  1. MTerry

    Official BYC Poll: How Is Your Run Covered?

    I purchased a hoop greenhouse frame to connect to my coop for a chicken run. I let my guineas run loose ( I am down to 4), don't want to lose any chickens. It's covered in chicken wire, and hardware cloth around the ends and bottom. The tunnel is a large plastic barrel that I can close on the...
  2. MTerry

    Rhode Island Blues

    Thanks for all of the information!
  3. MTerry

    At what age did your chickens lay?

    I have Rhode Island blue, and mixed with Easter Egger, I am hearing. I have just gotten two eggs today at 5 months.
  4. MTerry

    Rhode Island Blues

    I guess that is where the blue egg is coming from maybe, thank you for the info! They are still my girls - no matter what they are :)
  5. MTerry

    Rhode Island Blues

    O.K., I purchased all 3 at Tractor Supply in the spring, they did look similar at that time.
  6. MTerry

    Rhode Island Blues

    My first chickens, three Rhode Island Blues, and their first egg, pale blue. I had read that they normally have brown eggs. They are sweet, very friendly chickens, I just have the 3.
  7. MTerry

    Letting Guineas Raise Their Young

    They can get noisy, my son is always threatening something. During the spring they were chasing pretty bad, they will even corner one of the birds and pluck feathers out of their backs. If I catch them I run them off, but I don't always know it's going on. Recently it was just a couple of...
  8. MTerry

    Letting Guineas Raise Their Young

    Thank you, right now they are crazy guineas, for some reason they are fighting and chasing each other like crazy. I do think I have many more males than females, maybe that has something to do with it.
  9. MTerry

    Letting Guineas Raise Their Young

    I took pictures of some of my adults, hatched last September. I am still not sure of the colors. I do think the females are the darker colors, and I don't see spotting on any of them, male or female. Blonde, Buff, I don't know.
  10. MTerry

    Letting Guineas Raise Their Young

    I'll have to see if I can take pictures of the adults, and compare them. I really haven't taken the time to try and figure out what colors they are.
  11. MTerry

    Letting Guineas Raise Their Young

    The mother is the tan in the very first pictures of this post. I don't know her official color, she was lighter than she is now.
  12. MTerry

    Letting Guineas Raise Their Young

    Fred is the grey in the very first picture with the babies.
  13. MTerry

    Letting Guineas Raise Their Young

    My new babies that are white have darker wings and heads. I look forward to seeing how they turn out. I found a nest of eggs just in time last September, it was a cool wet weekend and they were starting to hatch. I got them in the incubator and 13 hatched out of 17 eggs. This photo is of...
  14. MTerry

    Letting Guineas Raise Their Young

    Your babies almost look the same colors as mine. I agree, in everything I have read, I don't remember anything about the father helping out, but he is right there feeding and watching over them!
  15. MTerry

    Letting Guineas Raise Their Young

    The father is lavender, he is warming the babies in the cold wet grass this morning. They are a week old today or tomorrow, they spend their days out with the parents all day. It's amazing how well they travel, just eating grass seeds and bugs, all fourteen are healthy and doing well.
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