Recent content by mummachix

  1. mummachix

    Has anyone "won" and gotten their HOA to change a rule about chickens?

    Thnaks for your reply -- yes I've looked into the different points you bring up... sadly the city simply removed all wording regarding restrictions rather than state the allowability - thus the HOA wins there. I can personally ask the HOA to hold a meeting (and since everyone is violating the...
  2. mummachix

    Has anyone "won" and gotten their HOA to change a rule about chickens?

    hugs... I'm researching what to add to my "request for an all memeber meeting to amend and update the CCR's" debating also whether I shall send it out to all parties or just the board.... the weirdness of neighborhood politics is a treacherous fine line... a
  3. mummachix

    Has anyone "won" and gotten their HOA to change a rule about chickens?

    wishing you luck! I will be thinking of you for sure... we just took our chickens and their coop/tractor and gave them to a friend yesterday bc all hope is lost for this year and they were too big to keep in the house any longer...
  4. mummachix

    Has anyone "won" and gotten their HOA to change a rule about chickens?

    I got chickens, had them quietly for a year; then added a bummer lamb for 6 weeks. Lizzie got loud. Nosy neighbor from two streets away lied and said my next door neighbor complained about my "goats and chickens" -- no he just didn't have the huevos to complain himself... At anyrate I thought...
  5. mummachix

    Free Legal Advice Is Worth What You Pay For It

    In my current fight with my HOA (homeowners association) I discovered that in our CCR (rules of the HOA) there is a loophole that states that the CCR MUST defer to the city ordinances -- so read your fine print. I now need to get waivers from all the neighbors whose houses are within 200 feet...
  6. mummachix

    Jenks Hatchery????

    On a similar topic but just off the edge -- anyone in the Tangent area know what the Tangent City's actual guidelines are for number of chickens? thanks, anne
  7. mummachix

    Hello from OR, USA

    Hi all, We just "borrowed" 3, 1 year old chix (EEs???) and a homemade chicken tractor. We'll see how the neighbors react before committing fully... I don't know what breeds the chickens are... but 2 look like brown EEs of the ameracauna type and one is white with black random feathers...
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