Recent content by my3chickens

  1. my3chickens

    Coccidiosis, Sulmet or Corrid?

    I had two chickens, slightly under 1 year old, die last year from Coccidiosis. The first passed away after being lethargic for a few days, the other had same symptoms & after spending $150.00 at vet passed away as well. I treated all surviving chickens with Sulmet. I believe another one has it...
  2. my3chickens

    Christmas Chicken

    Maxine's first Christmas photo shoot, she was a little nervous about posing partially nude but her "breast" is covered :)
  3. my3chickens

    "rescued' yet another one... (graphic pictures)

    So sweet of you to save her! Feel so bad for the others...
  4. my3chickens

    Small grey bugs in coop?

    They are so tiny the picture was blurry because I had to get so close. Do I treat them as I would treat mites or lice?
  5. my3chickens

    Small grey bugs in coop?

    I have looked online at pics of every bug imaginable that is associated with chickens and cannot find anything that matches what is in my coop. They are teeny with round bodies and appear to be grey in color, no hint of red or brown at all. They are so tiny I can't see the details on them very...
  6. my3chickens

    Do You Have An Opinion On Killing Predators?

    Totally agree with you that it is our job as chicken owners to protect our flocks by providing them with a predator proof coop/run. The predators were here long before our chickens...
  7. my3chickens

    Comment by 'my3chickens' in article 'Fireguy56s Chicken Coop'

    Can I move into your coop? Really enjoyed looking at the pics!
  8. my3chickens

    EZ chicken run ideas?

    Thanks guys I'll check those out.
  9. my3chickens

    EZ chicken run ideas?

    I am looking for easy instructions/plans on adding a dog proof run to my existing coop/run so I can add a couple more chickens. I am a single female who knows how to use a hammer and that's about it but has access to power tools if needed... my dog has a strong prey drive so it has to be a...
  10. my3chickens

    pics in side of coop and nest boxes feed back please

    You've started something!! I also love the idea of using the shelves. I'm converting a wooden playhouse into a coop and having been trying to plan how I'm going to remodel the inside, thanks for the idea!
  11. my3chickens

    Is it cruel to separate a pair of chickens raised together? I'm sad.

    I think you made the best decision, for them to sleep together separately from the others, they obviously had a special bond. Putting the feelings of others before your own, even if they are chickens & roosters, is difficult but you obviously have a kind heart
  12. my3chickens

    Little Missy; my rescue hen

    So nice of you to rescue her from a horrible life. I'll never understand why people have animals if they aren't going to take care of them, very sad... Looking forward to seeing pics of her happy and healthy and loved
  13. my3chickens

    Mean RIR Rooster

    Thanks for the info on "taming" ur roosters! I took on the responsibility of "chickens" and am willing to take the time to try and tame him. Again I'm a vegetarian so making him dinner is not an option. I do wish more people raised their own meat or at least bought from local farmers as...
  14. my3chickens

    Too many hens! Looking to rehome a few of my girls.

    Do u think they could fly out to Maryland? I'm a vegetarian & am looking for more hens for eggs, can't seem to find any pullets out this way... Good luck, hope u are able to find nice homes for them.
  15. my3chickens

    Mean RIR Rooster

    I also have the same problem with a Roo who I raised from a chick. He attacks me and has drawn blood on more than one occasion. I am a vegetarian & animal lover so killing him is not an option but I do have an appointment with the vet on Friday to have his beak & nails trimmed. Has anyone tried...
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