Recent content by my5lilrugrats

  1. my5lilrugrats

    Couple questions..need help (egg laying, feathers pulled out)

    Nope the other is definitely a hen, and there is no way the eggs are hiding. They stay in their coop and run always because of the hawks, I can't let them have free range after what happened to my other ones. They get egg layer and scratch feeds.
  2. my5lilrugrats

    Couple questions..need help (egg laying, feathers pulled out)

    Ok first question.... After a year of not having chickens (my old flock of 3 was killed by predators) I decided last spring to get a couple more pullets. I ended up getting two 12 week old (or so I was told) hens, one silver laced wyondotte and one ameraucana. I was told they would start...
  3. my5lilrugrats

    7 months and no eggs??

    My buff orps that I got just had started laying when I bought them and they were about 7 mos old. Give it some more time, I'm sure it will be soon
  4. my5lilrugrats

    My Chicken Flock and new Chicks (Photos)

    Absolutely awesome..the coop and the chickens
  5. my5lilrugrats

    weird question for a newbie...

    I am one who will keep my hens until they pass on. There is no way that I could bring myself to eat my pets. I have 5 children and we eat a lot of chicken but my pets will never be at the dinner table. I do understand how others can do it, but I just don't have it in me. I'd much rather eat...
  6. my5lilrugrats

    Feral cat in the coop! Histeria abounds!

    That must have been a real sight to see..I'm glad it found it's way out!
  7. my5lilrugrats

    This guy needs a name

    Some more.. Chester, Petey, Clucky, Titus
  8. my5lilrugrats

    please tell me this isnt as bad as it included

    Poor thing! I could hardly bare to look at those pictures. If you're sure it was the Roo, I'd find him a new home. I hope she heals quickly.
  9. my5lilrugrats

    This guy needs a name

    Doolittle, Dudley, Nugget, Roo-dy, Doodle ...that's all I got so far
  10. my5lilrugrats

    A couple of ??? about Orpingtons...

    I don't have a roo, but I just got 3 buff orpington pullets-6 mos old and they are fantastic. They are so loveable and really like people. They come over to me and turn their heads like they are really listening to what I'm saying, it's so funny.
  11. my5lilrugrats my first egg!

    Oh and Lexus laid me an egg today. I caught her in the act She was the only one. I'm wondering if maybe she was the one who didn't lay one yesterday? Should I expect them to lay every other day or do Orps usually lay every day?
  12. my5lilrugrats my first egg!

    Quote: Thanks Jan! I appreciate you putting up with all my questions..chicken
  13. my5lilrugrats my first egg!

    Quote: Just to see what they would be labeled if they were bought in the store..i.e. medium, large etc. It's pretty much just for my curiousity, which is why I asked if they would get bigger as my girls got older. I've seen some whoppers on here.
  14. my5lilrugrats

    Weird Shaped Egg

    That is one wacky
  15. my5lilrugrats my first egg!

    No, not yet. I just took a few quick ones. We've had some really crappy weather. Lots and lots of rain so as soon as the rain stops, I'll be snapping away
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