Recent content by mybuffbabies

  1. mybuffbabies

    Introducing a Bantam chick

    Thanks, I did get another chick (frizzle-cochin & silkie mix!) for my lone bantam and things seem to be really good with them. I will guardedly and slowly mix with the others.
  2. mybuffbabies

    Introducing a Bantam chick

    I have 4-8 week old BO and one 2 week bantam. My bantam cheeps all the time and they are not together in the coop yet. So, I guess what I need to know is if I need to get another chick and when to introduce her to the rest of the flock. Any thoughts? I have put her outside when the others free...
  3. mybuffbabies

    Chicken feeder pipe installed in my coop!!! Have a look:)

    I love this concept. I am very new to chickens and love all the insight I am gaining from those more experienced. Can you tell me how the pvc pipes are attached, please. Thanks
  4. mybuffbabies

    Totally a novice

    Thank you all for such helpful information. This site is truly inspirational!
  5. mybuffbabies

    Totally a novice

    Hi y'all! I am so new at this, in fact, my chicks don't even hatch until tomorrow, but I have found such helpful information on this website, that I almost feel ready! I researched breeds and decided on BO to start with. However, I live in southern NC where temperatures can get fairly warm...
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