Recent content by natchlaly

  1. natchlaly

    27th or 28th May hatch, looking for buddies

    Morning guys good and bad news on this side of the world. 11 of the 16 eggs i had in my bator hatched but it has been a very long hatch (over 4 days) and have had 1 of the chicks die in the bator just after zipping and 2 have died in the brooder all of the other chicks seem fine.The ones that...
  2. natchlaly

    27th or 28th May hatch, looking for buddies

    As promised here are a couple of pics of my new fuzz butts
  3. natchlaly

    27th or 28th May hatch, looking for buddies

    Quote: Conrgats but you really need t go t bed trust me. I sat up all night with my first hatch n boy it was a long, long, long night I then fell asleep on the sofa and missed my first chick hatch. Just remember it can take up to24hrs from pip to hatch
  4. natchlaly

    27th or 28th May hatch, looking for buddies

    4 in brooder now 2 more pips I will have chicks by the time I get up in the morning need t go t bed been up too long watching for pips and chicks dont want to but am now struggling to keep my eyes open will update in the morning for everyone else on our fantastic thread
  5. natchlaly

    27th or 28th May hatch, looking for buddies

    Quote: Just let it be, it will probably be ok. It may have just been a late bloomer and after it pipped it was still resting and absorbing yolk. They can take 24ish hours after their pip to finally be ready to zip out. If you try to help it out before it's ready you might kill it. My first...
  6. natchlaly

    27th or 28th May hatch, looking for buddies

    now up to 4 knocking the other eggs all over the bator think I am gonna have t try n get em out soon to give the others more of a chance saw the last one of the 4 hatch so am well chuffed
  7. natchlaly

    27th or 28th May hatch, looking for buddies

    I have 2 little fuzz butts
  8. natchlaly

    27th or 28th May hatch, looking for buddies

    4 pips and I have now got t leave for work
  9. natchlaly

    27th or 28th May hatch, looking for buddies

    Quote: that is so sad really sorry to hear your news hope all your other chicks are doin well
  10. natchlaly

    27th or 28th May hatch, looking for buddies

    Quote: Awesome news Natchlaly! I have another pip as well! I have woke up to 3 pips
  11. natchlaly

    27th or 28th May hatch, looking for buddies

    getting really excited now one or more of my eggs are cheeping away :flby the morning there will be a pip feel better now I can hear that they are still alive and kicking
  12. natchlaly

    27th or 28th May hatch, looking for buddies

    Quote: wow that is one fast mover, that little fuzz butt is in one big rush t get out you should have a baby within the next few hrs
  13. natchlaly

    27th or 28th May hatch, looking for buddies

    Quote: well done you keeping my for you I am so pleased sending keep the pics coming no sign of mine yet
  14. natchlaly

    27th or 28th May hatch, looking for buddies

    Quote: Oh no! I am sooooo sorry! I am nervous now! I think we are using the same home-made type bator---styrofoam cooler and light kit? I am really hoping against hope that some of my chickies make it out! For the past two weeks, I have been thinking I am going to invest in a real incubator...
  15. natchlaly

    Washing eggs

    Fred's Hens : 99% of the incubated eggs in this country are indeed washed. The hatcheries incubate millions of chicks a year, as their business, and wash them. There are those who incubate at home and do not do so. So, what to think? Here's what I think. If the eggs are spotlessly clean, I...
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