Recent content by natureafc20

  1. N

    Hatching mandarin ducks

    Thanks for the reply. My Mandarin is sitting on 9 eggs, I intend to take 5 and put in my incubator on the 25th day and leave 4 eggs to her to hatch naturally.
  2. N

    Hatching mandarin ducks

    Hi Mate, I have a Mandarin duck sitting on eggs and I plan to take some of the eggs and put in an Incubator on the 25th day. Since they hatch between 28 and 30 days, I want to know if I should turn off the automatic turning when I put them in the incubator on the 25th day. Thanks
  3. N

    How to get Mandarin duck eggs to hatch in incubator?

    Hello Sir, I am writing from England. Please can you kindly share the ''thread great hatch''. I have a Mandarin sitting on eggs right now and I intend to put some of the eggs in an Incubator from the 25th day. Thanks
  4. N

    Feeding Ducks with Cat Biscuit

  5. N

    Feeding Ducks with Cat Biscuit

  6. N

    Feeding Ducks with Cat Biscuit

    Hi folks, I feed Cat biscuit to my Cayuga Ducks 2 or 3 times a week and they like it. Do you think its harmful in the long run or its okay? Thanks
  7. N

    New member

    A simple folk interested in poultry farming
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