Recent content by nemassis

  1. nemassis

    What Breed to get

    Haha niceone. Love that picture asleep with the cat. Proves they are just as much of a pet as an egg layer
  2. nemassis

    What Breed to get

    Good thought. The Orpingtons are only down the road from me so will go have a cuddle next week. I am sure the kids would enjoy the flufflyness
  3. nemassis

    What Breed to get

    Fair enough didnt have a hold. they are only down the road from me so will go have another look next week. They were very good looking birds to be honest
  4. nemassis

    What Breed to get

    Thats what i was thinking really. It would be nice to give a few of the poor lil things a good home for a bit. Maybe a little bit soppy but you got to feel for them. Will have a look online and see what i can find. Have you had much experience with them then?
  5. nemassis

    What Breed to get

    The second picture down. She was born for the camera
  6. nemassis

    The last letter Game

  7. nemassis

    The last letter Game

  8. nemassis

    What Breed to get

    Orpingtons were where i started my journey to be honest. I saw a few Buff Orpingtons and they were huge lol kinda stopped looking at them after that...... Has anyone had any experience with ex battery hens? I understand they may not be as easy going as others but i figured they may appreciate it?
  9. nemassis


  10. nemassis

    What Breed to get

    Niceone thanks for that, Just had a quick read and sounds good. Will have another read later. I read quite a bit about training them with treats which seems logical, so really the younger they are the better it will be in the long run
  11. nemassis


  12. nemassis

    What Breed to get

    What sort of age should i be looking for. Is there any benefit from getting chicks and raising them or is it just as good getting some that are a bit older?????
  13. nemassis


  14. nemassis

    The last letter Game

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