Recent content by Neverenuff

  1. Neverenuff

    Chicks for Christmas ! Submit your holiday chick pictures contest on!

    Congrats on everyone's new babies.. I have been sitting on my hands.. The last time I candled my eggs I said to myself these eggs just don't look cooked yet.. They were actually due yesterday.. I sooo wanted to give some help..I did not.. This morning I have a little pip and a someone else...
  2. Neverenuff

    Chicks for Christmas ! Submit your holiday chick pictures contest on!

    Down to 16 I had two late quitters.. however I am getting ready and to pass the time I am building a new brooder! Hopefully it will be done by hatch day.. otherwise they will have to go in the old one.. I have it primed now and tonight I am going to caulk it to make it easier to clean and...
  3. Neverenuff

    Chicks for Christmas ! Submit your holiday chick pictures contest on!

    Well down to 18 out of 30.. a couple of the 18 are iffy.. 10 clear and 2 quitters.. I am keeping them in for a few more days just to make sure my eyes are not tricking me... I am still excited to see all the veining.. air sacs look good so far.. Jamie
  4. Neverenuff

    How to keep ducks and their pen mud free during winter.

    I have a 10 x 10 run with a house in the run.. they also go out into a 50 x 50 yard during the day.. This is my set up I have concrete pavers in 3/4 of the run the rest is just dirt with straw or shavings on top a mixture. I left some of it not paved so they could get in their mud digging...
  5. Neverenuff

    winter on Runner ducks

    I think you have it just right. You should have some happy duckies. I think the cold does not bother ducks near like the chickens. I live in Ky and winters are not all that bad here but we do get snow.. I have not lost one yet to cold.. just keep enough unfrozen water for head dunking and a dry...
  6. Neverenuff

    Chicks for Christmas ! Submit your holiday chick pictures contest on!

    Quote: Yes that is where I got them from.. My husband may move out if all 30 hatch Jamie
  7. Neverenuff

    Chicks for Christmas ! Submit your holiday chick pictures contest on!

    I posted on the other thread Chickens for Christmas but it's looking like this will be the "official" Christmas hatching thread I am in! I put 30 silkie eggs in from bbrobins in yesterday.. I have never had chickens, but hatched out ducks..I can't wait! why does it take so long . I look in...
  8. Neverenuff

    Christmas babies!! Anyone else having Christmas babies?

    My eggs came before lunch!!! all beautiful and intact.. The PO even called me to pick them up starting out with 30 silkie eggs of various colors.. good luck everyone! Jamie
  9. Neverenuff

    Christmas babies!! Anyone else having Christmas babies?

    My Eggs should be here today .. Silkies.. My first time hatching Chickens..or even owning chickens.. my bator has been running a few days with dummy eggs and it is steady as a rock.. PLEASE PO be nice to my eggs!! So if they come today and I will let them sit till tonight and stick them in and...
  10. Neverenuff

    Homemade Incubators

    Here is a short Video of mine... I have hatched out many ducks in it so far.. I ended up scrapping my LG because this one is way more reliable... It is a foam cooler that worms come in I picked it up free at walmart, it has many ball jars in for heat sinks... the jars fit perfectly in the spaces...
  11. Neverenuff

    Who's Hatching in Dec. 2011 ?

    Hold my hand please!! I may need it... hopefully I will be a first time chicky mom. I just won a auction for 24 silkie eggs from mbrobbins. I have hatched many Call and Black East Indie duck eggs so hopefully this will go well. I am guessing that chicks have to be easier than call ducks those...
  12. Neverenuff

    Hatching in Winter?

    Ok.. I think I am going to go for it.. I am going to try and win one of CJ's autions and off to hatching we go.. I will take note as to seperating the duck pen and the chick pen.. The chick house and run construction will start this weekend.. before the eggs go in the bator...hopefully will be...
  13. Neverenuff

    Hatching in Winter?

    So I am a duck mom and I was thinking about getting some Silkie eggs (I have never owned chickens).. my bator is usually full in spring with duck eggs so I thought I would get a jump on it.. I live in the country.. but have no land to speak of.. just a typically yard.. They ducks have a 50 x 50...
  14. Neverenuff

    27th or 28th May hatch, looking for buddies

    Count me in also!! I have set 48 Call Duck Eggs and 30 Black East Indie eggs. 2nd time with calls first batch did not go so well 4/44 . I candled yesterday and 12 of the calls and 3 indies were yolkers and 3 quiters. We had power outage for a few hours on day 2. Hoping everyone's Hatch goes...
  15. Neverenuff

    ARGG!!! Call Duck incubating Tips.. 4/44 hatched

    Thanks. I did not cool or mist, mosly because it has been so wet here in Kentucky for the past month is the reason I did not mist. I did hatch in cartons. So when you cool the eggs do you physically take them out of the bator or just open the bator top? the next hatch goes better. Jamie
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