Recent content by newchickenmom33

  1. newchickenmom33

    I have two chickens that look very similar..

    Oh!!!! I see now... I was paying attention to the black wash on top of the feet. I can see now. Thank you!
  2. newchickenmom33

    I have two chickens that look very similar..

    These are just over 9 weeks old. One is supposed to be a Cuckoo Maran and the other a barred rock... I can’t tell them apart now. . Help. They are from a hatchery. Can you tell them apart? They are both barred... on seems to be darker... they have similar feet.
  3. newchickenmom33

    Pullet? 3 week old leghorn

    So I have some hope! I will definitely repost in a few weeks! Thanks all!
  4. newchickenmom33

    Pullet? 3 week old leghorn

    Could two maybe be a pullet then? I will repost in 3 weeks though.
  5. newchickenmom33

    Pullet? 3 week old leghorn

    Alright this is the first time I’ve seen the comb so large this early. The people on here have been spot on several times and I’m always amazed because I still don’t know or see it.
  6. newchickenmom33

    Pullet? 3 week old leghorn

    Hello. Well, my daughter wanted white eggs since we have all the other colors and not white l. So we picked up two “pullet leghorns” and one seems to have an excessively large comb was three weeks old. I’ve read that this breed does have a large comb but should be be this large this soon? Pullet...
  7. newchickenmom33

    6 week old pullet, I hope?

    I’ll post a pic when she’s larger. She’ll be beautiful regardless. I’m not breeding...
  8. newchickenmom33

    6 week old pullet, I hope?

    Yah! I hope she’s a girl... she’s supposed to be... she does have black in her tail, neck and wing feathers... I’m happy with any breed as long as she’s a she!
  9. newchickenmom33

    6 week old pullet, I hope?

    So I posted pictures 2 weeks ago asking about breed and several people commented it was a roo. Now two weeks later the chick is now 6 weeks old. Any guess on breed or gender? First picture is at 4 weeks the next are from 6 weeks old.
  10. newchickenmom33

    What am I?

    Okay. The chick is just over 6 weeks now. Any opinions? Any change?
  11. newchickenmom33

    What am I?

    Colorado Springs... within city limits
  12. newchickenmom33

    What am I?

    I’m so sad! This is the only not black bird we picked... I didn’t expect a roo... I’ll repost pictures in two weeks and hope for the best
  13. newchickenmom33

    What am I?

    Ahhh man! It’s 5 weeks old Friday. I just thought she was a bully.
  14. newchickenmom33

    What am I?

    Yes. She moves too much. But hope these help... all her wing feathers are rounded... I wanted to know what breed she was... never thought she could be a he...
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