Recent content by Newsworthy

  1. Newsworthy

    Why did my wyandotte hen die?

    Really, for a hen that is laying she should have layer pellets. Her comb should not be purple, you generally only see that if they are very ill. She might have died from egg binding, or heat exhaustion. Or any number of reasons, hard to tell for sure. When you get new chickens you should always...
  2. Newsworthy

    Online Large Fowl Chat Thread

    Did everyone have a safe and happy 4th of July Holiday? I read LA Mike was in hospital, hope he is OK. LOts of fireworks around here, even though they are not legal. Our neighbors shoot them off, and they land in our yard, on the pool cage on the roof etc. I worry it might start a fire.
  3. Newsworthy

    Large Fowl only crazy egg chain

    Those Buffs are very pretty birds, I can't believe no one took them yet!
  4. Newsworthy

    online Crazy Egg Chain Chat thread

    Yeah, it's pretty cool, because everybody is celebrating their birthday!
  5. Newsworthy

    online Crazy Egg Chain Chat thread

    Hi! I have chicks hatching, little barred rock babies! So cute!
  6. Newsworthy

    Boom! Bang!

    Happy July 4th! Here's to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness!
  7. Newsworthy

    please sell me 2 silkie chicks!

    Hi, I am sorry about your chickens. It would help if you post what state you are in, so someone nearby might reply.
  8. Newsworthy

    Online Large Fowl Chat Thread

    I am petrified of snakes, and there are a lot of poisonous ones here in Florida. I try to keep the grass cut short so they stay off in the brush or get chopped by the mower:tongue
  9. Newsworthy

    SQ Egg Swap

    Quote: Wow, that sounds neat:D But what if "B" doesn't send eggs to "C". ? Won't "C" be sad?
  10. Newsworthy

    Newbie needs help- All my chicks are sick! (and dying...)

    I'm sorry your chicks are sick! How old are they? Hopefully they will get better soon. Good luck!
  11. Newsworthy

    New from Florida

    Quote: I'm in Sarasota , west coast FL
  12. Newsworthy

    New from Florida

    Hi, Just dropping in to check it out. I just got some chickens, they are so much fun!
  13. Newsworthy

    SQ Egg Swap

    I'm new, this looks like fun. How does it work?
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