Recent content by nicalandia

  1. nicalandia

    The "Ask Anything" to Nicalandia Thread

    Its highly likely that your white rooster is recessive white. When crossed to paint 50% of chicks will hatch black and 50% paint
  2. nicalandia

    The "Ask Anything" to Nicalandia Thread

    In this case his sister is no good because likely she is a leaket. Only breed non leaking birds
  3. nicalandia

    The "Ask Anything" to Nicalandia Thread

    That type of leakage can be bred out by introducing non leakage speciments to the flock or by breeding males that dont leak with their mother or sisters
  4. nicalandia

    Climate Smart Naked Neck Egg Layer Chicken Breeding Project in Palawan, Philippines

    Egg laying trait is a Polygenic trait. So males transfer their sex linked genes(likely 2) to their doughters. Now I calculate that the total genes involved is about 20 since the reciprocal cross difference is only 10%
  5. nicalandia

    The "Ask Anything" to Nicalandia Thread

    Sumatras as we know them are an American breed. They are Extended Black with Melanotic and Pg(Pattern Gene) due to the Ml-Pg linkage. Extended Black birds will deposit a layer of dark epidermal melanin to the shanks and that is further compound by sex linked dermal melanin enhancer id+ so there...
  6. nicalandia

    Theory: Ml and id+ cause brown eyes in chickens

    Melanotic and other melanin enhancers tend to Darken chicken eggs, Diluters like Barring, Dominant White and Sex Linked Id makes them Lighter. Birchen is the second most melanized e allele and when not Diluted by known diluter it will have dark eyes
  7. nicalandia

    The "Ask Anything" to Nicalandia Thread

    Recessive white will sometimes show a fleck or full feather with color
  8. nicalandia

    Identifying this chick's mother/Leg colour genetics

    White Skin color is dominant over Yellow skin. It may hide unnoticed for generations
  9. nicalandia

    The "Ask Anything" to Nicalandia Thread

    They might be WelbarxLegbar cross too. In any event if the are barred and wildtype they will produce autosexing chicks if bred to Welbar Rooster
  10. nicalandia

    Giant Silkies

    Of the many peojects that have come to my mind is this and you seem to have done it right. Orpington and Cochin are about the best breeds. I believe Brahma are too tall and not round enough
  11. nicalandia

    The "Ask Anything" to Nicalandia Thread

    Whiting True Blue/Green are not a stablished breeds, they have no standards, they are bred to be very good layers of colored eggs and as such can have all sorts of e allele chick down
  12. nicalandia

    The "Ask Anything" to Nicalandia Thread

    Yes, as long as they are pure
  13. nicalandia

    The "Ask Anything" to Nicalandia Thread

    From experience hens that show less hackle markings are Wheaten based. The one with best hackles are eb
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