Recent content by NickiesChickies

  1. NickiesChickies

    Chickens, Ducks, Eggboxes and Roosters - Help

    Hi everyone. Looking for some guidance here. I have a flock of 5 hens and a rooster and two drakes and a duck. They live together. Ducks have a doghouse to sleep in but don’t they sleep in the run all night. He s and rooster sleep in coop. Here’s my story … My husband decided to get us 3...
  2. NickiesChickies


    There’s a Facebook page called Rooster Rehoming. I was able to rehome my Jersey Giant. He was an ass! Put a hole in my leg. Lol. But we do miss him a little bit and glad he has a flock of his own on a proper farm. Try going on there. May help. Good luck!!
  3. NickiesChickies

    Three young roosters looking for for ever homes.

    Where in CT? My Rooster was taken by something today. We are sad. He was a jerk to us but did a great job protecting my flock. RIP Carlito.
  4. NickiesChickies

    Wind Chill Know How

    I’m learning. Thanks so much everyone!! We are up for 28” of snow in the next 24 hours so even more to be learned!! Stay warm if you’re in this storms path.
  5. NickiesChickies

    Wind Chill Know How

    Thank you. I love the bales idea.
  6. NickiesChickies

    Wind Chill Know How

    I don’t have a wind break but they’re down hill maybe about 30 ft from my house which does give a windbreak a bit. I think I may put a tarp on one side. My Roo and two hens got a bit of frostbite in December from first snow and windstorm. I left it alone and didn’t fuss with it and it seemed to...
  7. NickiesChickies

    Wind Chill Know How

    Yes been giving them a warm mash of sorts as a treat midday.
  8. NickiesChickies

    Wind Chill Know How

    Yes. I’m definitely not a chickening pro just yet. I’m getting there.
  9. NickiesChickies

    Wind Chill Know How

    Hi everyone! Question, I have a flock of 6 - 5 black australorps (1 Roo) and 1 buff Orpington They are about 10 months old. Today it is -11 outside here in balmy Connecticut with the wind chill. It is COLD and WINDY for sure. Gusts about 40 mph. My flock are currently outside in the run...
  10. NickiesChickies

    Black Scab/Scar/Mark on Jersey Giant Comb

    Anyone know what this is? It seems to be getting bigger. Belongs to my nasty cockerel, Mr. Gazpacho. Any help is appreciated. Thx.
  11. NickiesChickies

    Don’t want chicks - Remove eggs from broody?

    Hmmmmm. She has been hanging out with the dock for the last few hours now. I grabbed the eggs out of the free range nest (she doesn’t sleep on it at night she sleeps in the coop but not sure if she is sleeping on the roost in the coop or in the box?
  12. NickiesChickies

    Don’t want chicks - Remove eggs from broody?

    ok so to tell if she is broody or just laying eggs in a separate nest what am i looking for?
  13. NickiesChickies

    Don’t want chicks - Remove eggs from broody?

    You guys are awesome!!! So her nest is away from the coop and in between my house and my ac unit. can I put the (dog crate is going to be used) in the run of the coop (12'x12'x12' screened and enclosed) and leave her in there for 24 hours and let others go about their business otherwise? I...
  14. NickiesChickies

    Don’t want chicks - Remove eggs from broody?

    Hello again to my favorite flock of all! So, my cranky cockerels calmed down (albeit only a little) after we immobilized them. They’re still jerks though. Thanks for all of your advice. My latest saga is my one hen has started laying eggs! Yay! First 4 were cute (little) and then they...
  15. NickiesChickies

    Rooster Behavior Change

    You guys are the best. Thank you all for your insight and support. I’m going to try to immobilize and give him a chance. If he doesn’t comply he’s out on his butt. I will keep you all posted. Thanks again.
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