Recent content by Nightwing907

  1. N

    Comment by 'Nightwing907' in article 'Rooster Flocks'

    How far away would you need to keep the new rooster flock from the hens? I have a deer fenced small paddock that they free range in 24/7, I’ve got multiple coops that they settle in for the night and I just go out and check etc before bedtime. I haven’t really had any instances of Roos fighting...
  2. N

    Who Has The Prettiest Chicken?

    Flash, my lovely rooster and Tweety Bird my beautiful girl (RIP),😘 both of whom were abandoned by their mothers for different reasons and hand raised, so neither have ever had a worry in regards to posing for pics🥰
  3. N

    2week old chick failing to thrive?

    Just thought I’d put an update incase anyone was interested, Toby continued struggling for another two weeks or so, but once he got past that one month barrier he’s been like a different chick. He’s still slightly weaker on one side but it’s near unnoticeable now, and while his feathers/size are...
  4. N

    2week old chick failing to thrive?

    Thanks for the link, yes the poo matches the pictures in the post, orange and stretchy is exactly how I’d characterize it, so shouldn’t be anything to worry about by sounds of it. I might take in a sample of it into vet tomorrow if I can organize the time, otherwise might have to try Saturday...
  5. N

    2week old chick failing to thrive?

    Mmm my poor father has been regaled with Tobys ups and downs over the last two weeks, he’s been giving me increasingly concerned looks as time has past. Thanks, I’ll try and get off early and see if the vet has any nutridrench tomorrow. I’d never actually heard of it before reading through...
  6. N

    2week old chick failing to thrive?

    Hey guys, So I’ve raised abandoned chicks before, ones that the hen has pushed out or left behind, including one with a leg injury last year. So when I found my hen had left behind one of her chicks and it had trouble standing/walking (it seemed weak on one side, but it was cold when I found it...
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