Recent content by nikchick13

  1. nikchick13

    First time incubating!

    Aww we had two hatch last night. It's very exciting
  2. nikchick13

    First time incubating!

    I'm on day 20 and getting nervous. I noticed this morning one moving egg and some chirping but nothing from the others as far as I can tell. This is also my first time incubating
  3. nikchick13

    incubating and hatching

    Hey guys so this is my first time incubating and I am on day 20. I noticed movement and chirping from two eggs. I have 19 total in the incubator. It is a still air incubator I've been keeping the temp around 100 and when it hits up during the day its around 101 do you think my chicks are going...
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