Recent content by NinjaPaz

  1. NinjaPaz

    3 Week old chicken continuing to be lethargic and smaller than rest of flock

    We found her dead this morning... She was laying on her side in the very same spot i left her the night before. I can't stop crying, I really loved her and she was the chicken that loved me back. RIP Frita
  2. NinjaPaz

    3 Week old chicken continuing to be lethargic and smaller than rest of flock

    Frita, one of sixteen White Lace Wyandottes that arrived 3 weeks ago(day old chicks) has been and is continuing to be lethargic and a lot smaller than the rest of the flock. From what I can tell, she doesn't have any rashes or bumps, but she does have trouble opening her eyes. She stays separate...
  3. NinjaPaz

    Convincing My Pet Chicken to carry Dutch Bantams.

    Recently, I have been looking to acquire three female Dutch Bantam Chicks. None of the hatcheries or breeders I have found offer sexed Dutch Bantam chicks. Today, I emailed MyPetChicken(A hatchery that sells sexed bantams) about Dutch Bantam Chicks. They currently do not have them, but they...
  4. NinjaPaz

    Dutch Bantams Breed Thread

    Today, I emailed MyPetChicken(A hatchery that sells sexed bantams) about Dutch Bantam Chicks. They currently do not have them, but they responded saying that if they got enough requests, they would get them! For all of you who love dutch, please send them a quick email. Thanks! Use this email...
  5. NinjaPaz

    Dutch Bantams Breed Thread

    Hello. I am looking to get 3 female dutch bantam chicks, but I can't seem to find any breeders D: I live in Washington State, and if anyone knows any good breeders in the area, please tell me. Thanks!
  6. NinjaPaz

    Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

    Does anyone know of a breeder in washington state where I can get dutch bantam hens from???? I've looked everywhere and I can't find any D:
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