Recent content by nirnear

  1. nirnear

    Is it too late to teach my hens to roost at night?

    Thanks folks! I recently lowered the roost to be closer in height to the nesting box, about 2ft from the ground. I will try blocking the nesting boxes in the afternoon and encourage them to roost. Always happy to go watch the ladies after they go to sleep :-). I will let you know how it goes in...
  2. nirnear

    Is it too late to teach my hens to roost at night?

    Hello. I started a new flock last spring and my ladies are happy and adorable. My only issue is that they sleep in the nesting boxes and never use the roost installed in the shelter portion of my coop. This is my second flock and the previous flock (living the rest of their lives happily in a...
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