Recent content by niter

  1. niter

    Another Chicken/Rooster Barred Rock/Dominique Thread

    Thank you. I had been suspecting the white one for a good bit of time....added bonus he gets more and more bizarre looking as he grows. It's a shame about the two barred birds being that they have a nice disposition and I am fond of the barred look. I may keep ONE if the respectful and...
  2. niter

    Another Chicken/Rooster Barred Rock/Dominique Thread

    I have four suspect birds. Two I am fairly certain are roosters, particularly since one tried a rather sorry crow this morning. Then, I have two birds that I am thinking are less dominiques and more like barred rock roosters. Opinions? Some of the photos are not as great as I was focusing on...
  3. niter

    Broody hen autumn chicks

    At this point, I have chickens for pleasure and eggs. I enjoy watching the chickens, doing the work involved, and the eggs. Since they are more a hobby I have the freedom to not worry as much about some of the management logistics. Not to say that I am not aware of them and do not consider...
  4. niter

    Broody hen autumn chicks

    Ideally, it would be spring but is autumn a bad time for chicks? Thanks!
  5. niter

    Potting Shed to Coop

    Thank you, I suspected as much. I thought the extra light would be nice as well but it's not worth roasting the birds lol
  6. niter

    Potting Shed to Coop

    I was wondering if anyone has any experience with potting sheds? Are they as hot as a full out green house? Could the design translate to a chicken coop while being safe for chickens? My thoughts were that the windowed roof could be useful in winter for warming the coop but then also covered...
  7. niter

    TWEAK MY COOP~Tweaks on the Cheap

    I would like to have more room for a larger flock and am torn between a second, larger coop or tweaking my existing coop. Currently, I have the Garden Coop, which I love, but am limited by size. After looking at around at coops it occurred to me that basically what I want is the size of the...
  8. niter

    Anyone use Koop Clean?

    Does anyone know where to buy this online? It is not carried locally.
  9. niter

    Expanding "The Garden Coop"

    I would love to see an update to this thread. I have the Garden Coop and I am trying to figure out how to expand it myself as well.
  10. niter

    post your chicken coop pictures here!

    Has anyone here expanded their current coop significantly? I have a garden coop and and debating whether I expand via build a second coop, enclose in our run, or build an addition to the coop/run set up.
  11. niter

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    6/13 but really 6 out of 7.5 laying hens (I say 7.5 because I am not certain if that last one IS laying yet).
  12. niter

    Converting the Garden Coop

    I have a Garden Coop (which I love). I also love raising chickens and our family wants to expand just a bit more. We had considered adding a second, larger coop but that would be costly and somewhat redundant. Given that I love the frame and shape of the Garden Coop could it be possible to...
  13. niter

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Eight! Some girls have been sneaking into our barn to lay eggs and we found them all over today. Looks like I will be floating eggs tomorrow morning.
  14. niter

    Garden Coop Roost Maintenance

    Does anyone have photographs of their roost set up for this coop? Thanks!
  15. niter

    Garden Coop Roost Maintenance

    I love advice towards roost maintenance for those with the Garden Coop (or similar). I have two branch perches and the chickens use them well. Therefore, I only have two lines of droppings in the morning. I have a pine shavings bed laid over linoleum and would like advice for the best way to...
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