Recent content by Njtotn2017

  1. Njtotn2017

    Please help!

    Please help us! We have 12 hens and Our oldest (3yo)👇) is not well. I brought her to the vet yesterday and he gave her an injectable antibiotic and loaded 6 more for me to give her for the next 6 days. The Dr. could not confirm what it is that is wrong with her. He said it could be viral or...
  2. Njtotn2017

    Does this look familiar?? Please help!!!

    Thanks so much!!! It's so weird I have never seen her being pecked at. She is one of my original/older 3 that all came together and she is bubfar the most docile and everyone (out of 5) is not bother by having her around. Obviously I can not see what happens at night when they go up to roost...
  3. Njtotn2017

    Does this look familiar?? Please help!!!

    We notices a lump on the top of our Buff Orpingtons head last night. I put a warm compress on it and let her go to bed. This morning I put another warm compress and tried to gently express it and nothing came out. So tonight I pulled back the "scab" type thing hoping it may be a feather cysts...
  4. Njtotn2017

    What is this

    Good morning! Please help! I went to let the girls out this morning and these partches of "mold/mildew" are all over . We had lots of rain yesterday and the air was dense fog this morning. We live in a middle TN. How can I kill it/get rid of it. Thank you so much!!!!
  5. Njtotn2017

    Please help...what could this be?

    THanks so much! Paranoid over here!!!!
  6. Njtotn2017

    Please help...what could this be?

    New chicken Mamma here and not sure what this is? Both of our Barred Rocks have featherless patches on their cheeks. The one side of the girls is really red this morning . At first I thought it was scratching, but there are not scratch marks. Any thoughts? I really appreciate it!
  7. Njtotn2017

    Newbie here looking for design ideas please

    Hi there! This is all new to us and hope you can help with some ideas. We will be picking up 4 pullets on Sunday and will be spending Friday/Saturday securing the coop/run from predators. We purchased the coop and pvc run this weekend and the previous owners of our home had this fenced in area...
  8. Njtotn2017


    Hi there!!! I'm in MJ as well and interested in getting chicks. Can you recommend a hatchery in the area?
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