Recent content by nmunroe

  1. nmunroe

    Easter Egger - Cockerel or Pullet

    Hello. We got this chick as part of an Easter egger mix, they were all supposed to be “guaranteed pullets”. But this chick has me thinking we might have a cockerel in the mix. It is approximately 9 weeks old. Could you please tell me what you think about the sex of this chick. Thanks!!
  2. nmunroe

    Help identifying chicken breed

    Hello. I was curious if anyone had any idea what breed this chick might be? We had an order of pullets and out of the 4 frizzles we ordered we only got 1. This is one of the mystery chicks, does anyone have any idea what it might be? It would be about 6 weeks old.
  3. nmunroe

    What breed am I?

    Thank you everyone! She did turn out pretty. Her boyfriend on the other hand is an accidental Marans x Orpington.. and he is hideous.. but sweet.. 😂
  4. nmunroe

    What breed am I?

    I was given this chicken (the black and white one) from a neighbor who had gotten a single chick for her granddaughter. The granddaughter got tired of taking care of it so they gave it to me. The neighbor got the chick from a feed store and they said it was an Easter Egger pullet. I’m assuming...
  5. nmunroe

    Fertile or not?

    Could anyone help me confirm that these are fertilized eggs? I was hoping to incubate some eggs.. it will be my first time trying to do so. We were trying to get some fertile eggs out of Mr. Meanie before we found him a new home. Thank you!! 😁
  6. nmunroe

    10 month old hen, swollen under vent - Help! I'm new to chickens!!

    I have a black mottled orpington hen, she is about 10 months old. She has always been a feisty chunky lady, who is the first one to show up when there is food around. However, I do believe she is my resident "freeloader" and I do not feel she has laid any eggs as of yet. I am new to chickens...
  7. nmunroe

    Blue Copper Marans Cockerels - Which has best conformation

    Hello everyone. I was hoping for some advice. We had purchased 3 straight run blue copper marans. 3 out of 3 ended up being cockerels. We are going to keep one of them. I was wondering if anyone could provide insight on which one conforms best to the Marans standard. I am located in the USA...
  8. nmunroe

    Black on combs - Blue Copper Marans chicks

    They are doing fine. They still have the black patches, but they haven’t changed. I jut assumed that it is part of their coloring. They haven’t shown any sign of health problems.
  9. nmunroe

    Black on combs - Blue Copper Marans chicks

    Hello, I have 3 blue cooper marans chicks that are approximately 5 weeks old. I noticed yesterday that 2 of them have black coloring on their combs. Other than the comb color they appear to be behaving normal. I had read that black spots I the comb could indicate an illness. I am curious if I...
  10. nmunroe

    Comment by 'nmunroe' in article 'FLORIDA!!!!!ALWAYS SUNNY SIDE UP!!!'

    Hello. Could you please add me to Pasco County? Thanks!
  11. nmunroe

    Blue Copper Marans Gender

    Thanks for that Johnny17. I didn’t know cockerel was the term for a young rooster. But I had been told the pullet was a young hen. I wasnt asking the question again.. Everyone has convinced me that these are all cockerels. My follow up question was, could I keep the males together if I didn’t...
  12. nmunroe

    Blue Copper Marans Gender

    Thanks for the input everyone! I’m new to chickens, so I don’t know all the terms. From what I’ve heard, if we kept them away from hens when they get older, they would get along together? That is assuming we got any pullets out of the other 3 chicks we have! lol They are Orpingtons and are still...
  13. nmunroe

    Blue Copper Marans Gender

    These are my 3 blue copper marans chicks, they are between 3 & 4 weeks old. I have come to the conclusion that Nugget (front in center in the top pic and with his head turned in the second pic) is clearly a rooster. I am wondering about the other two? **Don’t worry they are our pets, Nugget...
  14. nmunroe

    Blue Copper Marans.. Roos or Pullets??

    I figured he was (#1). He’s the friendliest and most confident of the 3 and is always perched on top of something. I was hoping the other 2 were pullets.:fl
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