Recent content by Northwest_Wannabe

  1. Northwest_Wannabe

    Pigeon Talk

    Wire may be a little easier to clean, although I'd do wood. More predator proof, and you can lay down shavings or some sort of substrate, plus any spilled food will end up inside for you to scrape out with the poop as opposed to spilled on the ground (to attract mice and such!)
  2. Northwest_Wannabe

    Pigeon Talk

    The medium looking fans are a result from a fantail x non-fan! Chances are Squabble is just homer or feral, aka rock dove or pigeon : D that's cool you have feral fantails, nothing fancy is feral where I live
  3. Northwest_Wannabe

    Pigeon Talk

    I find it on most of my squabs, moreso my rollers than my homers though! They fall out when they're adults though. I had *one* squab keep a few feathers but they were small!
  4. Northwest_Wannabe

    What color brahma

    Brahma mix is possible, adult shape will probably help with that (I know I know a long wait!) Color wise looks to be blue based, probably blue laced red/gold or something along those lines! Again, can be a little more certain when they're done getting their feathers in :D
  5. Northwest_Wannabe

    What color brahma

    Not a brahma, it's got a single comb. Where did you get it?
  6. Northwest_Wannabe

    12 week Barnevelder

    I think it may be a cockerel :'(
  7. Northwest_Wannabe


    Just popping in to say your photo isn't working : D
  8. Northwest_Wannabe

    5 week old Partridge Rock - pullet or roo?

    It does have pretty chunky legs, but the comb isn't much of a concern to me. Do your other chicks have any wattles starting yet?
  9. Northwest_Wannabe

    Anyone here good at figuring out chicken breeds?

    My guess- 1. EE/Ameraucana/Isbar/CCL* 2. Welsummer (small chance possibly Marans) 3. EE/Ameraucana/Isbar/CCL* 4. EE/Ameraucana/Isbar/CCL* 5. EE is possible but more likely Wyandotte or Orpington 6. EE/Ameraucana/Isbar/CCL* *These look blueish greenish in the light, do they look blueish...
  10. Northwest_Wannabe

    Any idea on the gender??

    I second the age thing, your little EE is most likely a cockerel, but 5 weeks? :0 he feathered in fast!
  11. Northwest_Wannabe

    Anyone here good at figuring out chicken breeds?

    Oh! and that egg you're holding in the second photo looks exactly like my Welsummers eggs, chances it could be a Marans but the speckles makes me think thats a Welsummer ;D
  12. Northwest_Wannabe

    Anyone here good at figuring out chicken breeds?

    I'm totally down to help : D Sounds exciting!!
  13. Northwest_Wannabe

    Pigeon Talk

    I don't think anything wrong, if you're hoping to do it yourself though you may have to buy pigeon food (you can probably find it for $20 a bag or so at a feedstore, I know WilCo has it and I imagine TSC might?) You'll probably need to make some sort of temporary cage cause the wing will...
  14. Northwest_Wannabe

    Pigeon Talk

    Hows he doing now? Do you perhaps have any bird rescues around? That would be my first step. I'm gonna assume theres no leg band and that it's probably a feral pigeon? The wing doesn't look like it's sitting normally, it looks like the feathers are in the wrong position while wrapped up, try...
  15. Northwest_Wannabe

    JTS' Meat Rabbit Adventures

    What age did you butcher them for pelts? :0 I'm really interested in rex but I've heard most don't butcher at 10 weeks for pelt, but never quite say when they *do* haha
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