Recent content by Norwegian Chicken

  1. Norwegian Chicken

    The yearly acorn thread

    So, some feedback on this one. Winter is behind us now. Boy my neighbours thought I lost my mind when I picked 50kg of acorns from the yard last autumn. BUT, I have been really happy I did it (I actually enjoyed picking them, it's a meditative thing to do on a nice autumn evening). I have been...
  2. Norwegian Chicken

    Chicken Breed Focus - Isbar (Blue Isbar)

    I have no experience with temperatures like that, sorry!
  3. Norwegian Chicken

    The yearly acorn thread

    Right, so, small update. Although the chickens seem not too crazy about them, they come round the oak tree in the afternoon to score a couple (or perhaps they are really after worms in the acorns?). But, they also eat crushed acorns from the hand. The muscovies waggle around the driveway too...
  4. Norwegian Chicken

    Chicken Breed Focus - Isbar (Blue Isbar)

    Hmm, not sure what heat in Virginia is like. High humidity? We had the warmest summer on record here in Norway (yet it rarely got over 32 ºC, with usually low humidity). As long as they had shade and water they were fine with it. But, above 28C they got a lot less active and started holding...
  5. Norwegian Chicken

    The yearly acorn thread

    Right, I've done some searching and every year around this time someone asks if it is OK to feed acorns (chopped up) to chickens. This year it is me, I guess. Lot's of info on the web, and a couple (really, there's only two or three out there) of papers in the scientific literature seem to...
  6. Norwegian Chicken

    Chicken Breed Focus - Isbar (Blue Isbar)

    I hatched mine May 3-5 and had the first egg today (October 6). Small and dark olive green.
  7. Norwegian Chicken

    Chicken Breed Focus - Isbar (Blue Isbar)

    It's not uncommon, for what I've seen so far. My chickens come from a flock with a black rooster - which makes all of their offspring black or blue. That's no problem for me as I really like the black variety, especially the dark eyes the girls have. I'm considering another rooster too, with...
  8. Norwegian Chicken

    Chicken Breed Focus - Isbar (Blue Isbar)

    I see it's been a while since anyone posted something here, but here's a roo and hen from my flock in Norway. Both are 16 going on 17 weeks old now, so I expect their first eggs soon :)
  9. Norwegian Chicken

    Eye issues - help required

    Thanks for getting back to me :) Unfortunately nu such oinents are available here. I do have a creme with triclosan, but I'm hesitant to apply that as it may get into her eye. The salt water is having some effect: the swelling has gone down and she is able to open her eye again. But, two...
  10. Norwegian Chicken

    Eye issues - help required

    This particular chicken, Ingeborg, has featured on this forum before. At some point last year she lost weight, became lethargic, and would not eat nor drink. After some three weeks of special care she made a good recovery. I suspect poisoning by a garden Chrysanthemum was the cause. See...
  11. Norwegian Chicken

    Hen won't eat, no other signs of illness?

    Update The chicken that was ill has recovered completely. She was the first to start laying, and is now the only Jærhøns to eat from my hand. She was diagnosed with intestinal worms by the vet and all animals have received treatment. Unfortunately one girl went m.i.a. when the first snow came...
  12. Norwegian Chicken

    Hen won't eat, no other signs of illness?

    Update 28/10 The hen is getting stronger fast. She no longer allows me to take her on my lap and feed her. Normal behaviour for Jærhøns, so good news. A "thank you" would be nice though :p Until further notice from the vet, I only have one explanation remaining: intoxication by a plant in the...
  13. Norwegian Chicken

    Hen won't eat, no other signs of illness?

    I know, looks huge right? Funny thing is I do not feel anything when I touch it - except feathers, skin and bones. No "water balloons" or hard substance. Her appetite has improved yet again today. I still really want to figure out what made her so low on energy though. I found one local vet...
  14. Norwegian Chicken

    Hen won't eat, no other signs of illness?

    Thanks again for getting back to me :) 8 a.m. this morning I switched the lights on and she immediately showed interest in the dry pellets I gave her yesterday! Not sure how much she took in, but a good sign none the less. I grabbed her (quite a fight and lots of upset noises -> also a good...
  15. Norwegian Chicken

    Hen won't eat, no other signs of illness?

    Thanks so much for your quick reply. I thought gape worm would also cause strange sounds while breathing - but maybe not all symptoms are present in all cases? Getting hold of a dewormer is not as straight forward here, everything has to be prescribed by a vet. I could order with familiy in...
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