Recent content by Nrod7TX

  1. Nrod7TX

    Rhode Island Red Rooster

    I am wanting a Rhode Island Red rooster, preferably younger of age for my flock. I live in Austin and would be willing to pick him up.
  2. Nrod7TX

    What breed of chicken are my 2 "mystery" chicks?

    I hope mine is a hen, but I doubt it. I have a White Giant chick in there as well and I can make her come to me by tapping on the feeder really quickly ( like drumming). Wish I could tame all of my chicks that way.
  3. Nrod7TX

    New chicken lover from Texas!

    I have too many roosters already haha
  4. Nrod7TX

    Do Chickens care if multiple nests are divided?

    Awesome. Thats funny its Summer here and I live in Texas where we have had 100+ degree weather the past few weeks!
  5. Nrod7TX

    What breed of chicken are my 2 "mystery" chicks?

    Awesome, thanks! That was my latest guess too. How did they turn out? I have read a few negative reviews, but they do look gorgeous!
  6. Nrod7TX

    What breed of chicken are my 2 "mystery" chicks?

    Are the bantams leg color maybe different from the standard breeds? I dont know much about bantam standards other than they are little guys
  7. Nrod7TX

    Do Chickens care if multiple nests are divided?

    Yeah haha. How old are they?
  8. Nrod7TX

    What breed of chicken are my 2 "mystery" chicks?

    Awesome, yeah I didn't either. The other one I still have no idea. White with black spots in between its back. Looks like it will be a white chicken from the feathers starting to come in. I was hoping it was a silver laced wyandotte, but I am not convinced.
  9. Nrod7TX

    Barred Rock Sexing Help!

    Well I have about 8 roosters that are dark colored, not light colored like this so I am not too sure. I have been kind of surprised, usually they DO look like this picture. I would trust the comb more than the color.
  10. Nrod7TX

    What breed of chicken are my 2 "mystery" chicks?

    Are those fairly common from McMurray Hatchery? I don't think they have Welsummers, so I am leaning towards the Leghorn. Very active chick though! Thanks for the help!
  11. Nrod7TX

    Do Chickens care if multiple nests are divided?

    That is very interesting. I have been the only one in my family that really "enjoys" raising chickens. That must have been nice to grow up with them though. Slowly, I am winning my family over with my "girls"
  12. Nrod7TX

    Do Chickens care if multiple nests are divided?

    Yeah I have a golf ball I am using as my fake egg and its working so far. I am anxious to get all of my hens laying. I have 2 going so far ( Red Stars ) but I have another Red Star and 5 Black Star hens that all look like any day now they will lay their first.
  13. Nrod7TX

    White Jersey Giant Chickens

    Right, I see what you mean. I love free ranging, its fun to watch them run around and interact. I have a fenced half acre that I run mine on during the day and they love it.
  14. Nrod7TX

    Do Chickens care if multiple nests are divided?

    That's awesome. Have you always raised chickens? What all do you have in your flock currently?
  15. Nrod7TX

    White Jersey Giant Chickens

    Haha did you order straight run? We are going to raise our extra roosters up and have them slaughtered. Might as well get some meat out of them. I have five Blue Laced Red Wyandottes growing up, 2 of which are roosters, so I cannot keep them all unfortunately.
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