Recent content by Nursehev35

  1. Nursehev35

    9 wk old EE with weird leg thing?

    Oh! Thank you for this advice... I will get some first thing. Should I give it to all of them in the feed... or is it better crushed up in the egg-as you said.
  2. Nursehev35

    9 wk old EE with weird leg thing?

    So I bought 5 6 wk old pullets from a hatchery and I’ve been noticing that one of the EE lays back on her legs all the time. She gets up and runs around and jumps up on the roost and looks fine otherwise, but as soon as she stops moving she she lays down and her legs are like kinda out in front...
  3. Nursehev35

    When to worm chicks

    Thanks! I just wasn’t sure if preventative worming was a thing, like with dogs and cats, but I like your advice!
  4. Nursehev35

    When to worm chicks

    hello everyone and happy Saturday! I have been googling this question, but with no luck. I recently bought 5-6 wk old pullets (so they are about 8 wks now) and I was curious if and when I should worm them, and which wormer to use? I have wazine, safeguard and valbazen. TIA! Heather
  5. Nursehev35


    Thanks for all of the replies. As one of the posters mentioned, I think something scared them. We were leaving their coup door open at night and there was an owl hanging around. We’ve since started closing the door again and they have been laying again.
  6. Nursehev35

    Is it Okay to Feed Bread to Chickens and Ducks?

    Hi I know this is an old thread, but I was wondering if GF bread is ok for chickens? I know there is stuff like xanthum gum in it so that’s why I’m asking.
  7. Nursehev35


    I thought 1 year was early too, but then I thought well the days are getting shorter again and then there was the sudden stop in laying. I haven’t noticed any feathers missing on the belly, but I’ll look today.
  8. Nursehev35


    To answer the questions. The one did not appear to have left the roosting bar all day, but when we put her in the run she ate and drank. We dusted them with DE and mixed some in the sand in case of mites. They are only a year old so this would be their 1st molt and so I haven’t noticed feathers...
  9. Nursehev35


    Hello everyone! So we have 2 buff Orpingtons that are 1 year old this week. They have been laying 2-3 eggs everyday and suddenly on Wednesday we found them both in the same nesting box acting broody, but when we got them out there were no eggs. We’ve noticed some feathers in the coop and some...
  10. Nursehev35

    Please help....

    Right, and I didn’t even ask if he vaccinated for Mareks and I didn’t with my orpingtons. But it can’t be that because the first one I lost was a lavender. If we get more we will just have to vaccinate. I never thought you were being critical. I could smack myself for buying chicks at an...
  11. Nursehev35

    Please help....

    I thought that until today. The rooster was healthy as can be yesterday.
  12. Nursehev35

    Please help....

    Thank you, I will do that. I will do what I can to save these birds.
  13. Nursehev35

    Please help....

    I just want to say thank you so much to everyone who responded with heartfelt good wishes and to those with all the excellent advice. This is why I joined this site. I love raising chickens, but this is so heartbreaking for us to go through this a second time, that I am not sure we will pursue...
  14. Nursehev35

    Please help....

    Thank you. In the back of my mind I kept wondering if it was Mareks, but I just kept thinking this was so different from my last flock. I guess I will just have to get them vaccinated from now on. I just read such compelling arguments on why to not vaccinate them, but I hate to keep losing them...
  15. Nursehev35

    Please help....

    I may have my husband do it when he gets home, but I’m not really sure what we are looking for. I will see if I can find a YouTube video or something on the internet to guide us through the necropsy.
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