Recent content by OCDadof5

  1. OCDadof5

    Another Noisy Chicken Thread

    Hello, everyone. We have currently 5 chickens (3 RIR and 2 EE). Our reigning queen RIR is extremely noisy and since the chicken run sits adjacent three homes I am concerned she's wearing out her welcome. While we all sit on large lots with plenty of space I feel like we aren't being good...
  2. OCDadof5

    Adopting a bullied chicken

    It sounds like she is going to try and deal with her bullies. Thanks for the help.
  3. OCDadof5

    Adopting a bullied chicken

    Hello, all. We've had chickens for about a year now and everything is going very well. We have 3 RIR and 2 Ameraucanas. A friend of ours has a Plymouth Rock hen that apparently has been bullied to the point of bleeding and an injured eye. Our friend has asked us to adopt the hen since she...
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