Recent content by oceanfronter

  1. oceanfronter

    Meat Guineas?

    re guineas - never worry about them getting in and out of the chicken coop.......they fly before you know it! Mothers are usually very attentive. Lucky for you that they are enclosed - finding the nests is tricky! Raise them as you would any other meat birds.
  2. oceanfronter

    help please

    In a very chilly Nova Scotia and have silver something sitting on a clutch of eggs. Hatch date would be approx. Jan15? I have a lamp on in her area and a container ready for chicks.....................anything else?
  3. oceanfronter

    Took chickens to butcher for first time yesterday

    I tell my birds they're going on holiday - memories of 'Chicken Run'. Can anyone tell me anything about feed for meat birds? The butcher said that their organs were enlarged? They were raised, as all my meat birds, on started, then grower, scratch, cracked corn and what they forage off the...
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