Recent content by Okiegal123

  1. O

    Separating young punk rooster from young hens

    Oh thank you so much kindfarm girl.. I can understand that ....that makes perfect sense! now I've got a set of seven hens that are 18 weeks old we put him in there with them to see what would happen and they beat up on him. We put him in our chicken tractor for now. Thanks hon!
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    Separating young punk rooster from young hens

    These are our 2 hens. Lil red and precious! I'll post a picture of our punk rooster when I'm not so angry at him
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    New here and excited to be getting chickens!

    Hi rb! Welcome and I'm a newbie too!!! I hear you about being excited about your chickens it's so cool isn't it? I could just watch them all day they're so neat! glad to make your acquaintance keep us updated on how everything is going
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    Separating young punk rooster from young hens

    hey y'all I kind of had an emergency today we have a 12 week old rooster and 2 12 week old hens in the same coop and run. In the past week the rooster has been biting the tops of the heads of the two hens for no reason and it's not having to do with breeding. Today was the last straw when he...
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    My leukemia's back.

    I'm new here but I saw this thread and had to pop in to say that whoever started this thread and whoever else is in need, I'm praying for you..
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    What did you do in the garden today?

    Not much....I did manage to pick a solar flare tomato (not ripe ) I need to do more weeding !
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    Okie introduction - nice to be here

    Hi all! I'll keep this introduction short and sweet :-) me and my husband live in a small town in Oklahoma out in the country. Back in April we bought 4 barred rock chicks and four brown leghorn chicks all pullets the time they were three weeks old. Then when those were around 8 weeks...
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