Recent content by Ollivander_Chicken

  1. Ollivander_Chicken

    first time chicken owner RED MITES??!!!

    I was wondering what I should do with the eggs when im spraying? will the eggs that my girls lay still be safe or should I get rid of the ones they lay on the days that I spray the coop? thank you for the advice
  2. Ollivander_Chicken

    first time chicken owner RED MITES??!!!

    thanks, and I live in the SF bay area so it never gets below 40 so it should be fine
  3. Ollivander_Chicken

    first time chicken owner RED MITES??!!!

    how should I spray the chickens?
  4. Ollivander_Chicken

    first time chicken owner RED MITES??!!!

    thanks. should I treat them twice this week (once tomorrow, and once on Friday)because I will be away for a week?
  5. Ollivander_Chicken

    first time chicken owner RED MITES??!!!

    it is dark out at the moment so I am not able to do any work today. I removed the bedding from the coop earlier and sprayed the roost off with water, but I won't be able to go to the local feed store and get the spray until tomorrow afternoon after I get home from work. even so, if the store...
  6. Ollivander_Chicken

    first time chicken owner RED MITES??!!!

    thanks, anyone have any ideas about the upcoming week? and should I take out the bedding all together or change it often. also, does anyone know how long will it take to hurt/kill my birds?
  7. Ollivander_Chicken

    first time chicken owner RED MITES??!!!

    I was cleaning out my chicken coop this afternoon and found a ton of red bugs in the bedding. after some online searching, I have identified them as red mites but I have no idea what to do. I am leaving the country in a week, for a week and I am not sure what to do about the mites. what should...
  8. Ollivander_Chicken

    outside roosts?

    I have three pullets that I got recently and one of them flies a lot. I have no problem with this but she insists on flying high up in the run. this is also alright with me, but she has nowhere to fly to and she keeps on flapping about trying to get a grip on the side of the run. I want to put a...
  9. Ollivander_Chicken

    my chicken is walking strangely, Any thoughts? (i'm new to this)

    alright, thanks! the other girl of the same type (whatever she is) is Hercinia. she is the white one on the right
  10. Ollivander_Chicken

    my chicken is walking strangely, Any thoughts? (i'm new to this)

    :weeamauraucauna (she was advertised as such but maybe is an EE. I don't care either way)
  11. Ollivander_Chicken

    my chicken is walking strangely, Any thoughts? (i'm new to this)

    thanks! her name is Nutmeg. she is the red one on the left in my profile pic
  12. Ollivander_Chicken

    my chicken is walking strangely, Any thoughts? (i'm new to this)

    I don't see anything that you described. maybe it could have been that she was hurt when the chicken staff took her out of the enclosure at the feed store? they picked the chickens up by the legs. I know this puts them into a trance/calms them, but could they have been too rough?
  13. Ollivander_Chicken

    my chicken is walking strangely, Any thoughts? (i'm new to this)

    Hi! I got 12-week pullets yesterday, today, I noticed that one of my birds is walking strangely, she is keeping her feet parallel to the ground instead of picking them up properly. she is walking jerkily, she looks like she is limping but not badly. she looks like she is fine otherwise (clear...
  14. Ollivander_Chicken

    bringing home 3 month pullets!

    yes! they are watertight! I live in the California bay area, It is nearly always foggy, it only gets to the low 40s (Fahrenheit) and sometimes gets to the upper 80s in the summer (we have no extreme weather) Here are some pics of my new chickies! the red ameraucauna in Nutmeg, the white one is...
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