Recent content by onebusymom

  1. onebusymom


    I ordered 4 Welsh Harlequins and 4 Blue Swedish and 4 dewlap Toulouse from them last year. Very happy with the whole process. It's a family business that's been around for a long time and have a solid reputation here on the west coast. I've been there, and their website is accurate...what you...
  2. onebusymom

    King County, Washington!

    Hi Lauri, I'm sure what ever you decide will be best for you. Here's my two cents: raising from day olds my hens new my smell, touch, and the sound of my voice. As two year old hens, they still come when I call the. And even let me handle them. I set up a brooder tank and it really was pretty...
  3. onebusymom

    King County, Washington!

    Hi there. I'm in King Cty, up in the mountains near Enumclaw. Just finishing my first year as a chicken mama. Started with 14. One turned out to be a roo and a coyote got a couple. I learned a lot this year. Currently trying to see if a broody Cochin will adopt a couple day olds. I think it's...
  4. onebusymom

    Any suggestions on getting a young flock to go back in the coop at night?

    Thanks everyone. My coop has plenty of ventilation and isn't too hot. I think a big part of the problem is that the big girls won't let them in until THEY are ready to go in (literally standing guard so the little bits can't get past the door to the run). Yesterday with the rain, I left them in...
  5. onebusymom

    Any suggestions on getting a young flock to go back in the coop at night?

    I've been letting my girls out during the day. My older flock does just fine - enjoys the outing, destroys some of my flower beds, gathers at sunset and heads in. My younger flock, aptly named the Dingle Twits, haven't figured it out yet. They received this name after the fourth night of me...
  6. onebusymom

    breed confirmation please

    Tundra Chicken - - mine turned out to be more of a twin to yours than hoped. This week she pronounced she's a HE- with a look what I can do crow. Thankfully, the feed store where I purchased my chickies from gave me the name of someone who will take him off my hands. Sweet guy, comes up and says...
  7. onebusymom

    breed confirmation please

    9 weeks. I'll have to take a closer look at their combs in the daylight tomorrow - 'cause they all appear to be the same amount of redness.
  8. onebusymom

    breed confirmation please

    I was worried about that - sure hope not. How would I know for sure??
  9. onebusymom

    breed confirmation please

    You're right - could be a twin of mine. How funny.
  10. onebusymom

    breed confirmation please

    OK, so I thought I was getting 5 Orpingtons. What I think I got was 2 Orpingtons and 3 Amaracaunas (sp?). My daughter picked them up for me when I was at work from the local farm store. They were all from the same brooder labeled Orpingtons. When I noticed the mutton chops I began to doubt...
  11. onebusymom

    hi from snohomish washington

    Greetings and salutations hbrothers. I've been hoping to run into someone nearby, though didn't think it probable given the popularity of BYC. I'm so glad to find someone as new to chicken keeping as I am that lives so close to me. What type of pretties do you have? How old are they...
  12. onebusymom

    My chicken won't sleep in their coop...

    When mine first went into the coop - I had to show them how and put them in. After a few days, they started doing it themselves. I just had to realize their bedtime isn't necessarily mine. It doesn't get dark here until around 9:30 and they stay out until just about then. If I wait until then...
  13. onebusymom

    Hen thinks she's the rooster - with funny photo

    Haha! LOVE it! Chicken jail and then the peepers. Might have to put this aside just in case.
  14. onebusymom

    Combining flocks, moving younger chicks to the coop

    You have given me hope. I am trying to merge two flocks that have a five week age difference (and the size difference is immense). I introduced them today under careful supervision to see how'd they do (they could hear e/o in the brooder but not contact, but the olders have been in the coop/run...
  15. onebusymom

    food water station inside and out???

    We finished our coop and run. I've built in exterior perch areas and the hens love it. The chicas seem to be very happy. Next step is long term water resource and food as well as sand for the bedding. For now, I'm letting them have at it. I've a question about food and water stations: If the...
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