Recent content by onetbcamiller

  1. onetbcamiller

    Molting - How long does this take?

    It could have been a number of things, I used to live up in Silver Springs and saw several packs of wild dogs come around where I lived. At the mobile home park. Wild dogs will go after anything but they won't always eat what they kill whereas wolves or coyotes will normally eat what they kill...
  2. onetbcamiller

    Molting - How long does this take?

    The same here!!! But as far as the reason my aunt who has raised chickens for as long as I can remember says that " Chickens will virtually stop producing egg's; because the molting processes which allows them to shed their old feathers, is hard on their system and is very stressful for the...
  3. onetbcamiller

    Broody Hen Thread!

    I'm not sure this is the thread or group I need but here goes my question: One of my hens just hatched 2 eggs, yesterday, so the chicks are now a day old, and she is in a nesting box made out of milk crates. Do I need to move her and her chicks away from the other nesting boxes? and if so, do I...
  4. onetbcamiller

    Nesting Box question...

    I built a long nesting box up off of the ground, with dividers in it for each hen to lay their eggs in. I also took 3 to 4 old milk crates and put straw in all the nesting boxes I had build and in the milk crates. My chickens have knocked the straw out of the box I had built. They have started...
  5. onetbcamiller

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Wow, I was beginning to think there was something wrong with my girls. But, after reading some of the other posts. I don't feel so bad. I have 18 hens 7 of which are pullets and am averaging from 6 to 8 eggs a day.
  6. onetbcamiller

    caring for new born chicks

    Thanks for the tip. I will check it out.
  7. onetbcamiller

    caring for new born chicks

    I need to know where would be the best place to keep my babies so they don't get too cold or too warm? Also what is the best temp for them until they are old enough.
  8. onetbcamiller

    Sexing chickens

    Is there a way of determing what the sex of a chicken is while it is still an egg? If not, how soon after they are hatched can you determine their sex?
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