Recent content by only one lay

  1. only one lay

    moving eggs to a broody

    Hi all, I have silkie's and vorwerk's that are hatching machines. They just sit and sit and sit. My reg flock choose not to sit long enough to hatch, or they just choose not to. Whats the best plan or action,timeing to get eggs under those hens. Will they just accept the bigger eggs, is their a...
  2. only one lay


    Is the standard space requirements different in any major way? also does any one keep all bantums? how many would I need to equal 24-29 regular eggs a week?
  3. only one lay

    Ownder Defends Business

    punishment crime ratio went away with parents training their children properly. kids need work at all ages to understand the concept of the proper way to get "things" is to earn them.
  4. only one lay

    questions about my coop "PICS"

    My roosts alloted about 12inches per bird and the way I built it there are two levels. one at about 36 inches and one at about 42. I left about 14 inches between them. I have had upto 39 birds and have no issues. I also have 6 nest boxes. It has been plenty. just be sure nest box levels are...
  5. only one lay


    anyone else notice that grand rapids is evaluating the rules of chickens in town. Its nice to see that some body is accomplishing the task of beating the system. Hopefully it works out for all. Channel 8 was covering.
  6. only one lay

    diatomaceous earth

    Pardon my igorance, how many grades are their? Is this a term thing or is it really the point that what i buy MUST say food grade.
  7. only one lay

    diatomaceous earth

    Preparing to use in the coop. Local feed mill has 40# at 12$. I need to know if organic is the same as food grade? Or am I just looking at different terms
  8. only one lay

    after Chickenstock had to face 1 mad husband

    after reading the entire post My only comment is that balance is do able but always work, my wife and i realized our time away doing other things allowed the time together to be more enjoyable. Now that shes sick and on the way out of my life I miss her for the future already. On the lighter...
  9. only one lay

    Places in the US where No Idiots Live

    One lot is all I know of- starts at the end of my driveway
  10. only one lay

    DHs are there any out there?

    My DW is napping so now is the chance. She wanted a couple for fun and for my son to help care for. now two years later their are 39 in the yard and I have becone the primary caretaker. The boy is a help at age 7, Hopefully more as he grows
  11. only one lay

    Any english bulldog name suggestions? Photo on 2nd page

    Having lost my tessa just over a year ago I will say to pick carefully for the same health issues you are reading about . Believe the rawhide food things. Surgery to remove foil ball the sons were throwing around and left out, off of meat in the fridge. They will swallow anything whole. Teething...
  12. only one lay


    Once broody and if no hatching is occuring will a hen leave the nest and eggs or do I need to intervene on her behalf?
  13. only one lay

    end up being and move when?

    thank you all
  14. only one lay

    end up being and move when?

    Buff orp hens are the ones who went broody. They are sitting on potential eggs from wyandottes, cuckoo maren , ee, or buff orp. the roo is a polish of buff and white coloring. This is a nature on its own hatching. I would like to see some chicks make it to add to the flock. Should I move...
  15. only one lay

    Who else will be 45 this year?

    aw you are ahead by one year. 25th is a great day of the month
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