Recent content by Onyx9370

  1. Onyx9370

    Things you never said until you had chickens.......

    Mine is always "Save that poop for the compost/garden." and "Don't throw that out! Give it to the chickens!" -referring to my husband always attempting to throw away his food scraps.
  2. Onyx9370

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Lol mine are kind of like that when I have the feed bucket, all of them underfoot. But try to catch one and they are as far away as possible. Silly birds
  3. Onyx9370

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Glad to hear she should calm down. No I'm not on any lists to get any. This is my first year with chickens so I was/am a bit cluless when it comes to the breed strains. I got all of mine at the feed store. I did know though that hatchery birds aren't of as good a quality as breeder birds. But...
  4. Onyx9370

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    No they are all pullets, and it's just the one that has been behaving that way, another is a bit grumpy. But all the others are much more calm. Maybe one day I will get a few heritage :) thanks for the help
  5. Onyx9370

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Yes I got mine from a local feed store, so I'm certain they are hatchery stock. A peck here and there is one thing, but one pullet will actually attack. She tried to flog me like a roo would, ran up flapping and jumping and clawing at me, and bit me on the foot. It's only been within the last...
  6. Onyx9370

    my rhode island reds are so mean!!!!!!!!!!

    Are you talking about the thread: The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site? And yes they are RIR, although I'm sure they are more "hatchery" than heritage since I got them from a local feed store. And this is my first year with chickens so I could be wrong about any number of things lol. But thanks...
  7. Onyx9370

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Anyone have any experience with their RIR getting a bit aggressive around the time to start laying?
  8. Onyx9370

    my rhode island reds are so mean!!!!!!!!!!

    I have 6 RIR, and they have always been ok.Out of my whole flock they are the least interested in people. They do not want to be touched or picked up, and boy are they fast! (I always got to them last on wing clipping day)but they weren't aggressive. Then a few weeks before they started to lay a...
  9. Onyx9370

    American serama thread!

    HAHAHA! I know all about chicken math. I decided to get 6 hens originally. I now have 30 pullets, 3 roos, and 4 ducks. These are just so darn cute!
  10. Onyx9370

    American serama thread!

    LOL I have GOT to get me some of these feathered kids!
  11. Onyx9370

    American serama thread!

    I'm glad I found this thread. I just discovered this breed, and I'm in love! I can't wait to get some!
  12. Onyx9370

    Cochin Thread!!!

    So glad I found this Cochin thread! I'll get some pics of my 2 Cochin girls.
  13. Onyx9370

    Duck / Goose help

    Thanks! :) I wasn't sure if they started around the same time as chickens. I guess ill be doing a quick search in their run everyday.
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