Recent content by ooglebloops

  1. ooglebloops

    RIR- cockerel or pullet?

    I have 4 Heritage RIR's - one has just started laying eggs!!They were sold to me as hens- but it is kind of looking like the seller had only a 25% success rate in predicting the sex. Looking at photos and doing more research - I am thinking I have 3 cockerels and one pullet. They are in a nice...
  2. ooglebloops

    Can 3 roosters live together?

    Will do - but still wondering if the roosters will continue to get along, or does it depend- diferent in every case?
  3. ooglebloops

    Can 3 roosters live together?

    I have 4 Heritage RIR's - one has just started laying eggs!!They were sold to me as hens- but it is kind of looking like the seller had only a 25% success rate in predicting the sex. Looking at photos and doing more research - I am thinking I have 3 cockerels and one pullet. They are in a nice...
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