Recent content by Orpington71

  1. Orpington71

    New male with my girls

    Okay well I can’t get them now anyways since I’m not able to setup another cage. Thanks though.
  2. Orpington71

    New male with my girls

    Okay thank you!
  3. Orpington71

    New male with my girls

    So I’m getting a juvenile male black Spanish turkey, and I’m just wondering if he will do fine with my 4 girls (5 month old buff Orpingtons). I know about the possibility of him contracting blackhead, but I heard it’s just a risk you have to take. Just wondering if the hens will bully him or...
  4. Orpington71

    Parrots outdoors?

    Hi, just wondering about keep species of parrots (budgies, cockatiels, parrotlets, macaws, etc.) outdoors. If this is possible what are the best types/species for this setup?
  5. Orpington71

    Preserving first chicken egg?

    I know this sounds crazy, but when one of my chickens lay their first egg, is there a way to preserve it? I want to keep it as a memory, and I got the idea since my grandma had a emu egg in her display case. Thank you!
  6. Orpington71

    Plastic Bin Brooder, and preventing fire with heat lamp?

    Hi everyone, the heating pad does not automatically shut off, but I need more ideas on what to use to hold it up since I don’t have wire, could I use a aquarium lid?
  7. Orpington71

    Plastic Bin Brooder, and preventing fire with heat lamp?

    Ok I’ll plug it up tonight and see what happens
  8. Orpington71

    Plastic Bin Brooder, and preventing fire with heat lamp?

    I see, I’ll see if i can find something like that! Thanks!
  9. Orpington71

    4 day old chick still has egg tooth???

    Okay, just being a worried chick dad haha. Thank you!
  10. Orpington71

    4 day old chick still has egg tooth???

    My 4 day old female Buff Orpington has still got her egg tooth. Is this normal? If not any tips to help it fall off?
  11. Orpington71

    Plastic Bin Brooder, and preventing fire with heat lamp?

    Okay, thank you. I wasn’t with my mom when she got the heating pad but closer to inspection apparently this one does not have a auto off setting *sighs*. So I’ll try my hardest to see what and where I can get one tomorrow. She said the pad was sunbeam, but it wasn’t the certain one that many...
  12. Orpington71

    Chick Taming, toys, and treats

    This was very helpful, thank you so much. I am currently putting my hand in the cage with food on it, and they go crazy and climb all over my hand (I guess they think it’s special food, but it’s just they’re regular starter haha). Also I’ve been picking them up for a few seconds every day, they...
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